Automating the deployment process is commonly used practice
WSO2 CEP Puppet Modules
These puppet modules can be used to install WSO2 CEP in all its deployment modes(i.e. standalone mode, high availability mode and distributed mode). Also, it contains modules necessary to install an apache storm cluster which is required for the distributed deployment of CEP. It also has enabled deployment of 3 main deployment patterns of wso2 CEP easily using Hiera to store deployment parameters.
CEP Module
To install CEP in its normal mode(i.e. standalone mode) with default parameters,
include ‘cep’
To install CEP in a specific role with default parameters,
include ‘cep:hanode’ include ‘cep:distributednode’
Storm Module
To install each server of a storm cluster with default parameters use,
include ‘storm::nimbus’ include ‘storm::supervisor’ include ‘storm::zookeeper’ include ‘storm::stormui’
cep : Installs and manages the CEP in standalone mode
cep:hanode : Install and configure the CEP as a worker in high availability(HA) mode.
- cep:distributednode : Install and configure the CEP as a worker or manager in distributed mode.