WSO2 Identity Server is an enterprise-ready, fully-open source, lean, component-based solution for facilitating security and identity management of enterprise web applications, services, and APIs.
Main application of the product are User identity management,Entitlement management and Key management
4) configuring the product
configurations are information stored in a text-based files and database management systems used by the identity-server to server the client specific manner.
A) administrator credential
administrator credentials are stored in the user-mgt.xml file in repository/conf folder in the distribution pack.
These information are used to login to the Server either as a administrator mode.
The "AddAdmin" property value specifies the creation of the administrator account at the start up process."True" value instructs to create a new administrator account and "False" value instructs not to create the account at the start-up process.
The value "admin" in the AdminRole property has been defined as a system specific property in the Identity-Server so that it is not configurable.
UserName and Password property values are client-specific configurable.
B) user-store information
user-store information are stored in the user-mgt.xml file in repository/conf folder and master-datasources.xml in th repository/conf/datasources in the distribution pack.
The information specifies the user-stores used by the server to store the client-specific identity data with the following types of user-stores.
Types of user-stores
B.b)directory server user-store ( active directory)
B.c)database management system (e.x. Mysql,informix,cassandra)
B.d)text-based user-store
C) internal-user store information