The WSO2 Governance Registry also allows API-Level access to its embedded subscription manager via an OSGi Service. This service can be used to:
- Create Subscriptions
- Delete Subscriptions
- Retrieve Subscriptions
- Obtain a reference to the Subscription Manager instance
- Get Subscription Manager URL
- Generate Notification
- Register Event Type
- Obtain Registered Event Types
- Exclude an Event for a given Resource Path
- Obtain the Resource Paths for which a given Event Type is excluded
The Eventing Service interface exposed as an OSGi Service can be found in here.
An instance to this OSGi Service can be obtained by using the following annotation.
@scr.reference name="registry.eventing.service"
interface="" cardinality="1..1"
policy="dynamic" bind="setRegistryEventingService" unbind="unsetRegistryEventingService"
See also Notifications to learn more information about subscriptions in the Governance Registry.