WSO2 Open Banking provides the complete technology stack for a hassle-free PSD2 compliance. This guide gives you a quick walk-through to the WSO2 Open Banking using the following sample scenario.
Sample scenario
In order to comply with the PSD2 directive, the ABC Bank wishes to expose its customers' account and transaction data to third-parties via APIs upon receiving the consent from authenticated customers. Account Information Service Provider (AISPs) and Payment Initiation Service Providers (PISPs) are two types of third-parties that utilize these account and transaction data. AccPro is an AISP that subscribes to the ABC Bank's APIs to provide an aggregated view of customers' account and transaction details. TransacPro is a PISP that subscribes to the ABC Bank's APIs to initiate credit transfers on behalf of the ABC Bank's customers.
Let's see how AISPs and PISPs interact with WSO2 Open Banking.