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Local Transport

Apache Axis2's local transport implementation is used to make internal service calls and transfer data within the Axis2 instance. The following class implements the sender API:

  • org.apache.axis2.transport.local.LocalTransportSender

The transport does not have a receiver implementation as of now.

It provides an opportunity for fast in-VM service call.

To use this transport, configure an endpoints with the local:// prefix. For example, to make an in-VM call to the HelloService, use local://HelloService.

Configuring a local transport with WSO2 products

Shown below is how to configure a local transport with any WSO2 Carbon-based product.

1. In the carbon.xml file at location <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf, an endpoint is available as follows by default.


2. In the axis2.xml file at location <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/axis2, there is a transport sender named 'local' specified as follows:

<transportSender name="local" class="org.apache.axis2.transport.local.LocalTransportSender"/>

It has to be replaced with the following sender/receiver pair.

<transportReceiver name="local" class="org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.local.CarbonLocalTransportReceiver"/>
<transportSender name="local" class="org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.local.CarbonLocalTransportSender"/>
For more information about transports, refer to Transport Management.