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Apply WUM-Updated Products Using Automation

After you generate a WUM-updated distribution, the next step is to apply those updates to your environment. 

In this method, you replac the product distribution that is currently running in your environment by the new WUM-updated distribution using an automation tool such as Puppet, Chef, or Ansible:

  1. You update the tool with all the product configurations.
  2. The tool applies the configurations to the WUM-updated distribution before pushing it into your environment.
  3. If you have customized artifacts in your current environment, you apply them manually to the new distribution.

    If you are using a deployment synchronization tool to manage your customized artifacts, you can merge the configurations using a script. WSO2 provides default scripts if your deployment synchronization tool is SVN. You can use these default scripts to develop new scripts to support any other tool as well.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Generate the WUM-updated distribution

See Updating WSO2 Products to get the latest WUM-updated product distribution to your local product repository (i.e., wum-wso2/products directory), if you do not have one already.

Step 2: Sign the WUM-updated distribution

Do you have Java Security Manager in your environment? If so, follow the instructions in Enabling Java Security Manager to sign your latest WUM-updated product distribution.

Step 3: Apply the customized artifacts

This step is only required if there are customized artifacts in your current environment.

If there are customized artifacts in your existing product distribution, you need to merge them to the latest WUM-updated distribution.

This is done by comparing the deployment directory in your environment (<PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server directory) with the same directory in your latest WUM-updated product distribution. If there is a difference in the artifacts found in the two distributions, it means that you have customized artifacts in your current environment. These customized artifacts can now be applied to the latest WUM-updated distribution. If you are using a deployment synchronization tool to manage the artifacts in your environment, you can easily use automation scripts to apply the artifacts to the WUM-updated distribution. WSO2 provides two default scripts for this purpose:

  • Merge script: This script will merge the deployment directory of the WUM-updated distribution to a clone of the deployment directory in your tool.
  • Deployment script: This script will commit the updates from the clone to the deployment directory in your tool. WSO2 provides a deployment script for SVN-based deployment synchronization. If you are using a different tool, you need to develop a separate deployment script for this purpose. However, remember to increase the deployment time interval in your existing product nodes before running this script as explained below.

Let's start!

Before you begin, be sure to increase the deployment time interval (for an hour or two) of all the product nodes that are already in production. This is to make sure that the updates committed to the deployment directory in your deployment synchronization tool will not be applied to the current production environment before the new product distribution is deployed. To increase the deployment time interval:
  1. Open the carbon.xml file (stored in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf directory) and update the following property:

  2. Restart all the server nodes in production.
  1. Unpack the previous WUM-updated distribution. Note that this is the distribution that is currently applied in production.
  2. Unpack the latest WUM-updated distribution.
  3. Clone the customized artifacts that are in the deployment directory (<PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server directory) that is used in production:
    • If you are using svn dep-sync, you can directly get a checkout from the SVN server.
    • If you are using Volume Mount or RSync, you can clone the relevant directory.
    • If your configuration management tool (such as Puppet, Chef, or Ansible) is managing your customizations, you need to clone the deployment directory from the configuration management tool.
  4. Download the merge script ( and run it as explained below.

    Before you run the script:

    • Be sure that the two distributions you unpacked in step 1 and step 2 are NOT started.
    • Install the diff and GNU patch tools required by the command prompt (terminal) you use.
    • For Linux, directly run the script in the terminal.
    • For Windows, use one of the following methods:
      • Use git bash.

      • Use cygwin with the diff and patch tool installed.

    When you run the script, you will be asked to provide the following information:

    • The path to the deployment directory in your previous WUM-updated distribution, which you unpacked in step 1 above.

    • The path to the deployment directory in your latest WUM-updated product distribution, which you unpacked in step 2 above.

    • The path to the deployment directory that is currently in production, which you cloned in step 3 above.

  5. Check the output of the script log. You will be able to identify one of the following situations:

    • Successfully updated the files: There will be a log, but you do not need to do anything.

    • Updated with fuzz: You need to review these files before running the deployment script. There will be a backup of the original file created at the same location.

    • Conflicts between files: If there are conflicts when updating the files, there will be a “.diff” file, and a backup of an original file, created at the location of those files along with the updated content. You need to manually update those files.

    • Updated binary files: If there are updated binary files (.png, .war files), the updated files will be directly copied and a backup file of the original file will be created at the same location. You need to review those and delete the original or updated file.

  6. If the merge is successful, you will be asked if you want to deploy the updates in the deployment directory of your tool that manages the customizations. Select Yes and provide the location of your deployment script. If you are using SVN-based deployment synchronization, you can use the deployment script for SVN (

    • If any errors are indicated when the merge script is run, you will not be asked to provide the deployment script. You must first resolve the errors and then run the deployment script separately.

    • In the merge script, we are passing the updated directory path to the deployment script as an argument. Therefore, if you are writing a script for your deployment synchronizer, you can use the same argument and implement your script.

  7. Be sure to check the update summary PDF of the latest WUM-updated distribution. There may be instructions to manually update the contents of the deployment directory. For example, you may need to manually delete directories inside the webapps directory.

    The update summary PDF is sent to you as an email. You can also find it inside the updated ZIP. For example,

Your deployment synchronization tool now has all the customized artifacts merged with the updates. These customizations will be pushed to your WUM-updated distribution (by the deployment synchronization tool) when the deployment update interval expires.

Step 4: Apply the configurations

Before you begin, check the updated summary PDF of the latest WUM-updated distribution to identify any new configurations. For example, consider the following instructions in the update summary:

 Sample update summary PDF

Screen Shot 2017-06-26 at 10.13.47 PM.png

Now, you can apply the configurations to your configuration management tool:

  1. Add your latest WUM-updated product distribution to the correct location in your configuration management tool. For example, if you are using Puppet, you need to place the updated ZIP file inside the <PUPPET_HOME>/environments/production/modules/wso2am_runtime/files directory.

  2. Make sure that all the configurations are updated in your configuration management tool. These include the configurations that already existed in your environment as well as the new/changed configurations introduced by the WUM updates. For example, according to the update summary shown above, you need to add a new configuration to the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/identity/application-authentication.xml file. If you are using Puppet, you need to add this configuration to the relevant hiera files with the correct configuration elements and placeholders. See the instructions for Puppet.

Your configuration management tool will now have all the product configurations.

Using installed features?

If you have already followed the previous steps, your WUM-updated distribution should now be ready. However, if you are currently using a product with additional features installed, you may need to make sure that those WSO2 features are installed in the new product distribution along with the relevant patches, before the new distribution is pushed to your environment. If you have installed the same new features that were installed in your previous product distribution, you will already have the patches for those features.

Please note that WSO2 does not recommend the practice of adding new features to standard products. See Working with Features for more information.

Step 5: Deploy the WUM-updated distribution

Now, you can deploy the WUM-updated distribution in your environment.

  1. Run your configuration management tool. If you are using Puppet, note that a new product distribution with all the updates and configurations will be generated and pushed into your environment.

  2. The customized artifacts will be pushed to the new distribution directly from the deployment synchronization tool as explained in step 3 above.

The WUM-updated product distribution is now deployed in your environment. Note that all the customized artifacts that you merged in the previous step will be automatically deployed to your new product nodes through the deployment synchronization tool.