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Monitoring Server Health

The Carbon Health Check API can be used to check the health of a Carbon server. The sections below guide you through using this API.

Note: This API is only supported for WSO2 Carbon products that are running on Java 8 or a later version.

 There are three health checkers available by default: 

  1. Data sources health checker - This checker goes through the data sources that are configured in the master-datasources.xml file and checks if the active connection count surpasses a healthy percentage limit (e.g., 80%) of the maximum allowed connections count. This checker also tests the connection from each data source to see whether the connection is successful.
  2. Server startup health checker - This checker uses the ServerAdmin service to check if the server status is RUNNING.
  3. Super tenant user store health checker - This checker iterates through configured user stores of the super tenant domain and attempts to invoke the isExistingUser method to check whether a failure occurs.

Deploying the API 

This API is supported by default from WSO2 Identity Server 5.7.0 onwards. It is available by default for WSO2 IS versions 5.5.0 and 5.6.0 only as a WUM update. For more information on how to update using WUM, see Getting WSO2 Updates documentation.

If you are using a WSO2 product version that supports this feature by default (either in a fresh pack or via a WUM update), skip the instructions in this section and proceed to the configuring the API section.

This section guides you through deploying the Carbon Health Check components in a WSO2 Carbon product that does not support this feature by default. 

  1. Download and extract the relevant ZIP file. This folder is referred to as <API_HOME> in this document.
  2. Copy the org.wso2.carbon.healthcheck.api.core-<version-number>.jar found in the <API_HOME>/plugins directory and paste it in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/components/dropins directory.
  3. Copy the webapp api#health-check#v1.0.war found in the <API_HOME>/features/org.wso2.carbon.healthcheck.server_1.0.0 directory and paste it in the the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps directory. 
  4. Copy the health-check.config.xml configuration file found in the <API_HOME>/features/org.wso2.carbon.healthcheck.server_1.0.0 directory to your <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory.

Configuring the API

This feature is disabled by default. To enable the API, set the <Enable> property in the health-check-config.xml file to true

If the feature has not been enabled successfully, a request to the API will only return a 200 OK response.

Sample health-check-config.xml file
        <HealthChecker name="DataSourceHealthChecker" orderId="97" enable="true">
            <!--<Property name="monitored.datasources">jdbc/WSO2CarbonDB,jdbc/WSO2MetricsDB,jdbc/WSO2UMDB</Property>-->
            <Property name="pool.usage.limit.percentage">80</Property>
        <HealthChecker name="SuperTenantUSHealthChecker" orderId="98" enable="true">
            <!--<Property name="monitored.user.stores">primary,sec</Property>-->
  • A health checker can be enabled or disabled using the enable attribute.
  • The execution order in which the health checkers are executed can be configured using the orderId attribute. 
  • The properties configured under each health checker will be available for each health checker at runtime. 

Invoking the API

This is an open API which should ideally be blocked at the load balancer level. To invoke it, start the WSO2 product and send a GET request to the health check API. A sample cURL command is shown below.

curl -k -v https://{hostname}:{port}/api/health-check/v1.0/health

If the request is successful, you will receive a 200 OK response (similar to the one shown below) with a list of health check results. 

  • The active.connection.count parameter reflects the number of connections that are active.

  • ConnectivityTime refers to the duration of the connection.

Error responses

The following responses are possible error responses that you may receive. 

The code block below shows a sample 503 Unavailable response with an array of errors. 

         "message":"Error while getting database connection for datasource: jdbc/DISCONNECTED",
         "description":"Network is unreachable (connect failed)"
         "message":"Error while checking health of USM with domain: SEC",
         "description":"Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)"
Error CodeDescription


Data source connectivity error.
HC_00002Number of connections in data source exceeds the healthy percentage.
HC_00003Error while testing connectivity to the user store using the isExistingUser operation.
HC_00004Server status is not running.
HC_00005Error listing user stores.

Adding new health checkers

To add a new health checker, you can implement the HealthChecker API and register the health checker as an OSGI service.
To deploy it, copy the .jar file to the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/component/lib/ directory or the OSGI bundle and paste it in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/component/dropins/ directory.