Invite and add Members to an Application

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Invite and add Members to an Application

You can set up WSO2 App Factory on premise or use the readily available WSO2 App Cloud. In this use case, let's assume you want to install the App Factory on premise. If you want to use the App Cloud, see the App Cloud documentation.

You invite and add members to your on-premise App Factory instance in 3 steps:

Follow the steps below to install App Factory, invite members and then add them to your application.

  1. Follow the steps inĀ Installing On-Premise to install the App Factory.
  2. Log in to the organization that you created. You have admin rights to it.
  3. Click the Members menu item to add members to your current organization.

  4. Give the user names of each member, specify one or more roles and invite. Ideally, you should add application owners, developers, QAs and DevOps members to your organization.

    The App Factory's user roles are given below:

    Role NamePermissions
    CxOHas all super admin permissions and also the ability to view statistical dashboards.
    Application OwnerAll permissions except visibility and configuration capability of databases/data sources in production environment and capability to promote to production.

    Log in
    Develop permission
    Read/write to repository
    Branch repository
    Deploy to development environment
    Configure databases in development environment
    Subscribe to APIs
    Configure development resources
    Create, update and delete datasources
    Promote to testing
    Visibility to development and testing resources


    Log in
    Deploy to testing environment
    Configure databases in testing environment
    Configure resources in testing environment
    Update datasources in testing environment
    Promote to production environment
    Demote to development environment
    Visibility to testing environment


    Log in
    Deploy to production environment
    Configure databases in production environment
    Configure resources in production environment
    Update datasources in production environment
    Promote to production environment
    Demote to testing environment
    Retire applications in production environment
    Visibility to production environments

    Tip: You can assign multiple roles to the same member.

    Tip: If you have a multi-tenanted App Factory setup, the users list is specific to each tenant. There can be different users with the same user name in different tenants.

  5. Note that the member is sent an invitation e-mail, which has to be accepted by him/her in order to be added to the Cloud as a registered member.

  6. Log in to the Cloud as application owner.
  7. The console opens. Click the Add New Application button and create a new Web application.
  8. Click on the application to open it, go to its Team tab and note that it initially has only one member (you, as the app owner). Click Add Members to add other members.
  9. Add the other members (typically, developers, QA and DevOps) that you need in your application as follows:
    • Provide the username (e-mail) and click Add to List
    • Once all members are added to the list, click Invite to add them all to the application at once
  10. Refresh the Teams page to see that the members are now added to the application.

    Tip: You can delete any member from the application except the application owner.

  11. Note that when the newly added members log in to the Cloud, they will see the application you created in step 7 in their dashboard.

You registered an organization and invited its members as the admin, and then added members into your application as the application owner.