Adding Users and Assigning Roles
You can create users and assign them roles created in section Creating User Roles.
1. Log on to the Management Console and select " Users and Roles" under the "Configure" menu .
For example,
2. Then click on the "Users" link.
The "Users" link is only visible to users with administrator permission. It is used to add new user accounts and modify or delete existing accounts. The "admin" user has administrator privileges.
3. Click on the "Add New User" link.
4. The "Add User" window opens. Provide the user name and password and click "Next."
5. A window will appear for you to select the roles to be assigned to the user. In this example, we assign the user the "creator" role defined in section Creating User Roles.
6. Click "Finish" once done. A new user account will be created with the specified roles. The user name is displayed in the "Users" list.
From here, you can change the user's password, assign different roles or delete it. Since the "apicreator" user is assigned the "creator" role, it now has permission to create and manage APIs through the API Manager. Similarly, you can create users and assign them the "publisher" and "subscriber" roles.
You cannot change the user name of an existing user.