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Sorting Applications by Usage

Once an Application in the store is accessed it updates the back end with the hit count per Application (user wise) periodically through a javascript. There are two main ways to update the back end:
  • Publish through BAM (Publish data to BAM for processing)
  • Directly write to Database



In the 'app-manager.xml' file under 'APIUsageTracking' section 'UIActivityBAMPublishEnabled' key is available

To enable publish through BAM we need to set the value as 'true' else if we need to directly write to the table set the values as 'false'

If we are using the BAM publisher we can configure the Stream Name and version as well. For that edit the keys 'ApiManagerBamUiActivityStreamName' and 'ApiManagerBamUiActivityStreamVersion' in the 'app-manager.xml' file under 'APIStreamNameDefinition' section. And it refers the existing BAM settings (server url, username, password)

Further, to set the Data Source we need to change the value of the key 'UiActivityPublishDataSourceName' in the 'app-manager.xml'  (data will be saved in the mentioned database)


And when user clicks on the 'Sort by Usage' icon the store it sorts the Applications in the store per accessed order.
This feature in not available for anonymous users.