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Introducing App Manager

An application manager simplifies and eases the process of managing applications. WSO2 App Manager (AppM) is a solution that provides controlled access to several applications for many users in an organization. Organizations with the need to provide centralized access to multiple web and mobile applications can use WSO2 App Manager to manage user access for all day-to-day web and mobile apps in one spot.

Organizations possessing a large number of applications may face challenges in aspects such as data, security, control, cost, deployment, etc. WSO2 App Manager overcomes these challenges with a set of features facilitating efficient and accurate distribution of apps and licenses, version tracking, shared authentication, as well as centralized access and authorization. Furthermore, it acts as a self-serving enterprise application manager allowing an organization to achieve better connectivity among employees to understand IT insights such as app usage, prevent data losses and to be socially engaged via the rating and commenting of applications.

WSO2 App Manager is created on top of the WSO2 Carbon platform where it extends registry assets and provides the capability to add web and mobile applications. All the functionality can be extended with extension points provided by WSO2 App Manager. It is developed mainly using three technologies; namely SAML2 SSO, XACML policy definition and OAuth secured API invocations. It is bundled with a set of features for app creation, publication, lifecycle management, versioning, monetization, governance, security, etc. using proven WSO2 products such as WSO2 Enterprise Store, WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus, WSO2 Identity Server, and WSO2 Governance Registry. In addition, it is also powered by the WSO2 Business Activity Monitor, and is immediately ready for massively scalable deployments.
WSO2 App Manager supports publishing web apps as well as iOS, Android, Hybrid and Web types of mobile apps with app versioning and lifecycle management. The storefront enables direct downloads for mobile apps with support for self-subscription and app rating. WSO2 App Manager is easily configurable with WSO2 device management solutions or any third-party device management solutions for device management purposes.

WSO2 App Manager is fully open source and provides web interfaces for publishers to add and manage apps as well as for consumers to subscribe to, search and consume apps through a user-friendly storefront. The WSO2 App Manager is an on-going project with continuous improvements and enhancements introduced with each new release to address new business challenges and customer expectations. WSO2 invites users, developers and enthusiasts to get involved or get the assistance of our development teams at many different levels through online forums, mailing lists and support options. 

WSO2 App Manager is released under Apache Software License Version 2.0, one of the most business-friendly licenses available today.