Adding Claim Dialects

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Adding Claim Dialects

A set of claims are identified as a dialect. Different dialects represent the same piece of information with different claim URIs. These claim dialects are populated when the server is started at first time; by reading the claim-mgt.xml file which can be found at <IS_HOME>/repository/conf. The following dialects are defined by default with the WSO2 Claim Management Component.

  • http://wso2.org/claims - Default dialect for WSO2 Carbon
  • http://axschema.org - Default dialect for OpenID Attribute Exchange
  • http://schema.openid.net/2007/05/claims - Default dialect for OpenID Simple Registration

You can define a new claim dialect by clicking on the "Add New Claim Dialect" link. Follow the instructions below to add a new claim dialect.

  1. Sign in. Enter your username and password to log on to the management console.
  2. Click Configure to access the Configure menu.
  3. From the Configure menu, select Claim Management.
  4. In the Claim Management page, click on the Add New Claim Dialect link. Enter all of the required information.

    • Dialect URI - Unique URI identifying the dialect (for example, http://schema.openid.net/2007/05/claims).
    • Display Name - Name of the dialect.
    • Description - Description of the dialect (for example, what it is designed for).
    • Claim URI - Each dialect should be defined with at least one claim.
    • Mapped Attribute - Corresponding attribute name from the underlying user store for this claim.
    • Regular Expression - Regular expression to validate inputs for this claim.
    • Display Order - Display order of the above claim among the other claims defined under the same dialect.
    • Supported by Default - If unchecked, this claim will not be prompted during user registration.
    • Required - Whether this claim is mandatory for user registration.
  5. Click on the Add button.