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Publishing and Unpublishing Mobile Apps

Publishers can only manage their own mobile applications (apps). Thereby, only administrators or publishers can publish apps, unpublish apps and re-publish apps. 

Publishing a mobile app

The publisher can only publish approved mobile apps that have been created by himself/herself.

Follow the instruction below to publish a mobile app:

  1. Log into the Publisher. 
  2. Search for your mobile app.
  3. Click on Publish in the Action column. The mobile app will be visible in the Store.

Unpublishing a mobile app

The Store will continue to support apps that have been unpublished. The administrator or the publisher can re-publish apps that are in the unpublished state.

Follow the instruction below to unpublish a mobile app:

  1. Log into the Publisher.
  2. Search for your mobile app.
  3. Click on Unpublish in the Action column. The mobile app will be removed from the Store.