This site contains the documentation that is relevant to older WSO2 product versions and offerings.
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Defining Business Owners for an Application

Business owners are considered as external users using the apps in WSO2 App Manager. Business owners can originate from a variety of organizations. For example, let's say an app developer creates an app to be used by a specific organization. That application can then be associated with a business owner. 

Define a business owner

Follow the steps below to define a business owner:

  1. Log in to the App Manager Admin Dashboard (https://localhost:9443/admin-dashboard).
  2. Click Business Owners > Add Business Owner.
  3. Enter the required information and click Save.
  4. If you wish to edit or delete a business owner, click Business Owners > List Owners and click the relevant icon next to the entry.

Associate a business owner to an app

To associate a business owner to an application, follow the steps given below.

  1. Log in to the App Manager Publisher (https://localhost:9443/publisher).
  2. When creating an application, select the business owner as shown below.
  3. Save and publish the application to the App Manager Store.
  4. Once the application is published, it can be accessed by logging in to the App Manager Store (https://localhost:9443/store).
  5. To see business owner details, open the application in the Store and click the Business Owner Details tab.