This documentation is for WSO2 Application Server version 5.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.

Mashup Services

A Javascript service is simply a mashup written in Java Script. A mashup is a Web application hybrid which aggregates data and functionality from different sources to create new services. The 'Javascript Service Hosting' feature exposes mashups hosted in the server as a Web service known as a Javascript service, which can be consumed by other mashups or Web service clients.

The development and deployment functionality of Javascript services is provided by the following feature in the WSO2 feature repository:

Name: WSO2 Carbon - Javascript Service Hosting Feature

The Javascript services feature is added by default in the WSO2 Application Server (from version 5.0.0 onwards). If it is not included in the product distribution you are using, you can install it by following the instructions given in section, Feature Management. 

The following sections are covered: