com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Developing a Mashup Service

Using the management console of a running Carbon instance, the users can write a Javascript service and then deploy it. Follow the instructions below to develop and deploy a Javascript service through the simplified interface of the management console.

1. Log on to the product's Management Console and select "Create" under " Mashup Service." 

2. The "New Mashup" window opens. Provide a name for the service and click "Next".

3. A basic mashup is auto-generated and displayed on the Mashup editor. This script can be edited according to your requirements. For example,

Using the tabs at the top of the window, you can also design a 'Custom UI' or a 'Google Gadget' for the service. The buttons at the bottom of the window provide the following functionality.

  • Generate Template (in Custom UI and Google Gadget tabs): Generates an initial, sample custom UI or a Google UI script.
  • Discard changes: Removes all changes done to the script and user will be navigated to the "Deployed Services" page.
  • Save Changes: Saves all changes done to the script and user will be navigated to the "Deployed Services" page.
  • Apply changes: Saves all changes to the script and user will not be navigated away from the Mashup editor; he can continue editing the script.

4. Click the "Save changes" button once all edits are completed. The "Deployed Services" page will be displayed with the Javascript service listed as a deployed service. For example,


  • If the service is not displayed immediately, refresh the "Deployed Services" window after a few seconds.
  • If the service is not successfully deployed, it should appear as a faulty service. To access faulty services, click the "Faulty Service Groups" link, which appears in red on the "Deployed Services" window.

From the "Deployed Services" window, you can manage your service and access its dashboard. For instructions, refer to section Service Management.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.