Deploying Your Custom Web Application
The WSO2 Application Server supports Apache tomcat-based Web application deployment as a latest feature. All you need to do is to bundle your Web application as a '.war' archive with all your Web application-related resources and all third-party libraries, and then deploy the archive. This sample demonstrates the functionality of the Web Application deployment support in the WSO2 Application Server.
Building the Sample
You can find the sample discussed here in <AS_HOME>/samples/HelloWorldWebapp directory. You need Apache Ant to build the sample.
The steps are as follows:
1. Run the WSO2 Application Server. Refer to the Installation Guide for instructions.
2. In a command prompt, switch to the sample directory:
For example, in Windows: cd <AS_HOME>\samples\HelloWorldWebapp .
3. From there, type ant .
This will copy the sample webapp (wso2appserver-samples-hello-webapp-1.0.war file) in to <AS_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/webapps/" directory. If you start the Application Server, you will see the deployed webapp on the Running Applications Window.