com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.




Java EE-WP support

The Application Server provides support for three Java EE web profile based specifications, which are as follows:

    • Java Server Faces (JSF)
    • Java Persistence API (JPA)
    • Java Transaction API (JTA)
Publishing web application statistics from AS to BAMThe Application Server (AS) previously had the capability of only monitoring statistics through WSO2's Business Activity Monitor (BAM). However, now the Application Server has the capability of monitoring web application statistics as well using BAM 2.3.0.
Support for multiple AS modes/profiles

Multi-profile support allows the user to run the product pack in a preferred profile. The available profiles are:

    • Web Application Profile
    • Axis2 Service Profile
    • Data Service Profile
    • Jaggery Profile
    • Mashup Service Profile  
Distributed Caching implementation based on HazelcastCluster wide distributed caching is supported by using Hazelcast implementation. Thereby, the caching API, response caching etc. can be used in a distributed manner.
Clustering support for High Availability and High ScalabilityYou can install multiple instances of WSO2 products in a cluster to ensure that if one instance becomes unavailable or is experiencing high traffic, another instance will seamlessly handle the requests. Starting from AS 5.2.0, we provide Clustering support through Hazelcast. For more information see, Clustered Deployment.
Secondary user store supportSecondary user stores can be dynamically configured via the Application Server UI. In addition, users are allowed to configure their own user stores, out-of-the-box.
CarbonContext API This is an API for developers to access certain core services (such as registry, caching and more) from the Carbon runtime.
Trusted identity provider managementAbility to register trusted identity providers per tenant.

Support for Servlet 3, JSP 2.2, EL 2.2, JSTL 1.2 specifications


Full JAX-WS 2.2 and JAX-RS 2.0 Specification support

WSO2 AS provides out-of-the-box support for JAX-WS 2.2 and JAX-RS 2.0 specifications via CXF.

Integration of Jaggery

Jaggery is a server side scripting framework. It allows you to write webapps and HTTP-focused web services for all aspects of the application: front-end, communication, server-side logic and persistence in pure Javascript.

Mashup services support

Mashups allow you to expose simple Javascript functions as full-fledged SOAP Web services.

Multi-tenant support for standalone deployment

In addition, to the ability to create tenants in cloud deployments, the user can create and use tenants in standalone mode as well.

100% Apache Tomcat compliance

WSO2 Application Server is based on Apache Tomcat and is compliant with Tomcat.
Lazy loading for tenants

Lazy loading support for tenants allows you to load the tenants only when it is requested. For example, the tenant is loaded when a tenant user logged in, and a web application/service request is sent to a tenant's artifact. This makes the server start-up much faster, due to efficient memory usage, since not all the tenants and its artifacts are loaded at a given time.

Lazy loading for web applications and services

This allows the user to load the web applications and web services only when it's being requested. This makes the server start-up faster, due to efficient memory usage, since not all the artifacts are loaded at a given time.

Tooling support

Application Server related artifacts can be easily generated using WSO2 Developer Studio which is Eclipse plugin.

JMX and Web interface based monitoring and management

By default, JMX is enabled in WSO2 Carbon. Therefore, the WSO2 Application Server facilitates JMX-based monitoring. Some of the monitoring and management capabilities available in the Application Server's Management Console are also exposed via JMX.

WS-* and REST support

The WSO2 Application Server (AS) supports most of the WS specifications including WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Policy, WS-Secure Conversation, WS-Reliable Messaging, WS-Discovery etc. AS also includes support for REST Web services via JAX-RS and WSDL 2.0

UI, command line, and IDE based tools for Web service and Web application development

You can develop Web services (such as, Axis2, Data services etc.) and Web applications (such as, JAX-WS, JAX-RS and generic webapp) via Developer Studio, which is an Eclipse plugin.

Data Services can be developed via Management Console UI as well.

Equinox P2 based provisioning support

The user can install/update/uninstall features to/from a WSO2 Carbon based products with WSO2 Carbon.

WSDL2Java/Java2WSDL/WSDL 1.1, and UI-based try it (invoke any remote Web service), TCPMon

The WSO2 Application Server ships these tools since these are very useful for web service developers.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.