com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Building and Running JAX-RS Samples

Using Maven

Apache Maven 3 is recommended to build the samples.

Follow the steps given below before you build and run the sample.

  1. Remove the following parent POM reference from the sample's pom.xml file, which is stored in the <PRODUCT_HOME>\samples\ directory.


    Note that this step is necessary because of a known issue, which will be fixed in AS 6.0.0.

  2. As shown below, add the <version> and <groupid> elements to the pom.xml file, after the parent element which you commented out in the first step.


To build and run the sample:

  1. Open the maven  pom.xml file, which is in the base directory of the sample (i.e.,  <PRODUCT_HOME>\samples\Jaxws-Jaxrs\<JAX-WS-Sample-Folder> ). To determine  <JAX-RS-Sample>, see JAX-RS Sample Folder.
  2. Build the demo and create a WAR file using the following command.

    mvn clean install
  3. Start  the WSO2 Application Server by executing one of the following commands, where <PRODUCT_HOME> is the directory where you installed the product distribution:

    On Windows
    <PRODUCT_HOME>\bin\wso2server.bat --run
    On Linux/Solaris
    sh <PRODUCT_HOME>/bin/  
  4. Deploy the generated WAR file on WSO2 AS with the related logs on the console.

    mvn -Pdeploy
  5. Run the client.

    mvn -Pclient

If you wish to remove the target directory, run the following command:

mvn clean

Using Apache Ant

You need Apache Ant 1.6.2 or higher to build the samples.

  1. To deploy the sample service on the server, run the following command from the  <PRODUCT_HOME>\samples\Jaxws-Jaxrs\<JAX-RS-Sample-Folder> directory (see JAX-RS Sample Folder).

  2. Start the application server and access its Management Console at https://localhost:9443/carbon.
  3. On the Main menu, under Services, click List.
    The Deployed Services will appear.
  4. Click on the respective JAX-RS sample (e.g., jaxrs_starbucks_service).
    Execute one of the following commands to run the client:

    On Windows
    On Linux/Solaris


  5. Try the sample with different QoS options that appear on its dashboard. 
  6. For different options, run:

    sh -help


JAX-RS Sample Folder
SampleJAX-RS Sample Folder
JAX-RS Basicsjaxrs_basic
JAX-RS Advancedjaxrs_starbucks_service
JAX-RS Sample on Content Negotiationjaxrs_content_negotiation
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.