Enabling Java EE 6 Web Profile
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Enabling Java EE 6 Web Profile

Starting from WSO2 AS 5.3.0, AS supports Java EE 6 Web Profile. This support is provided using Apache TomEE, which is a project developed at Apache Software Foundation, and is a Java EE 6 Web Profile certified stack. With the Java EE runtime environment, you can now deploy Java EE web applications (that uses Apache TomEE) in WSO2 AS.

The following configurations should be in place in order to use this feature: 

Enabling the Java EE runtime

WSO2 leverages a concept called runtime environments to maintain separate runtimes. You can enable the following runtime environments in WSO2 AS: CarbonTomcatCXF and Java EE. See the topic on configuring runtime environments for more descriptive information. Shown below is the configuration to specify 'Javaee' as the runtime environment.

  1. Open the webapp-classloading.xml file stored in the META-INF folder of your web application. This folder should be created inside the src/main/webapp folder of your web app. For example, check the webapp-classloading.xml file of a sample web application (javaee-examples) stored in the <AS_HOME>/samples/JavaEE-TomEE/javaee-examples/src/main/webapp/META-INF folder.
  2. Enter the following class loading details to enable the Java EE runtime:

    <Classloading xmlns="http://wso2.org/projects/as/classloading">
  3. You can add other runtimes in addition to Java EE, by entering a comma separated list for the <Environments> element.

  4. The support for Javaee is provided along with Apache TomEE. If you use the Javaee runtime, then TomEE should also be configured in AS as explained below.

Configuring TomEE

The following configurations are required if the Java EE runtime is enabled for your AS as explained above. There are two Apache TomEE configurations:

  • Setting the default TomEE configurations: 

    1. Open the tomee.xml file located in the <AS_HOME>/repository/conf/tomee directory.

    2.  In this file, you can configure the Datasources, Resources etc. See the following example where the "myDerbyDatasource" datasource is configured as a resource.

      <Resource id="myDerbyDatasource" type="DataSource" classpath="/path/to/driver.jar">
       . . . .
    3. See the documentation on Apache TomEE configurations for more examples on how to configure the tomee.xml file.

  • Setting the jvm system properties that will be used by TomEE:

    1. Open the system.properties file located in the <AS_HOME>/repository/conf/tomee directory. 

    2. Update the required properties. For a comprehensive list of system properties, see http://tomee.apache.org/properties-listing.html.

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