com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Realtime Analytics

Realtime analytics in WSO2 BAM is supported with the inclusion of WSO2 CEP features. WSO2 CEP is an high performant complex event processing engine. The realtime analytics can be done side by side with the Hive analytics, where the same events going to be saved and batch processed by Hive can be sent to the CEP engine as well, where from the CEP engine, the results, with its many output event adapters, can be sent to a suitable location.

The real time processing information can be visualized in the BAM dashboard.

WSO2 BAM comes with a Java servlet, residing at "https://$host:$https.port/message_store/" (e.g. "https://localhost:9443/message_store/"), that can be used to store a given key/value pair in a persistence store, this is internally persisted to the Cassandra store. This servlet accepts a message type as a request parameter, with the name "type", e.g. "https://localhost:9443/message_store/type=LOG_TPS". A post request is sent to this URL, when it's content needs to be stored under the given type value. And also, when an GET request is sent, it returns the content stored under the given type.

The above "message_store" servlet is required in order to communicate from a CEP process to the user dashboards. From a user dashboard, for client side Javascript, it can access the "message_store" servlet, since it is in the same domain, so cross domain restrictions apply. So a CEP execution plan can use the "http" event output adapter to send a message to the "message_store" servlet with a value, and later, the dashboard Javascript will be able to query the same "message_store" servlet to get the latest value of a given type. Using these component, an user can create a real-time data visualizing system. When using the "message_store" servlet operations, the requests must be authenticated with HTTP BasicAuth. For a sample on using real-time analytics, check the Realtime Traffic Monitoring Sample.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.