Message Console
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Message Console

WSO2 BAM message console is used to monitor messages stored in Cassandra. In BAM message console you can search for a particular message out of the stored messages or view by filtering them using various search criterion.

You need to have Cassandra indexing to monitor messages on the message console as explained below.

Monitoring messages on message console

Follow the steps below to monitor messages on the WSO2 BAM message console.

  1. Log in to BAM management console using admin/admin credentials, and click Message Console in the Dashboards menu.
    WSO2 BAM message console
  2. In the message console dashboard enter the connection details of the Cassandra cluster as follows and click Login.
    • Connection URL : connection URL of the Cassandra cluster with IP and port. For example: localhost:9160. This field is mandatory.
    • Username/Password : credentials of the cluster

    connect to Cassandra cluster
    The fields of the message search page, which appears as follows are described below.
    message search


    Message type

    Stream name to perform the search on. For HL7 messages, select bam_hl7_data_publisher_store. This field is mandatory.


    Message status (success/failure/all)

    Max Rows

    Maximum number of search results to be displayed
    Start time/End TimeTime interval to search messages.
  3. Click Add new condition section to enter more search conditions. An example is given below.

    add new condition

  4. Click the Search Messages icon. Matching results appear on the Search Results page.  An example would be as follows.

    search resultsYou can click:

    • Expand Message icon to view message content.
    • An activity ID (value is equal to to Message control ID) to view all events that belong to the activity   
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.