BPEL Property Reader Extension
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.
BPEL Property Reader Extension
The is a sample extension that allow users to read external values from either a property file or from registry into a BPEL process instance. Accompanied PropertyReadExt.properties file is a sample properties file used to demonstrate the usage.
How to run
- Clean and build the following with maven https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/branches/turing/products/bps/3.2.0/modules/samples/product/bpel-property-reader/
- Copy the created jar file to the BPS_HOME/repository/components/lib directory.
Add the following configuration entry to bps.xml in BPS_HOME/repository/conf directory.
<tns:WSO2BPS xmlns:tns="http://wso2.org/bps/config"> … <tns:ExtensionBundles> <tns:runtimes> <tns:runtime class="org.wso2.bps.samples.propertyreader.PropertyReaderExtensionBundle"/> </tns:runtimes> </tns:ExtensionBundles> ... </tns:WSO2BPS>
- Copy PropertyReaderExt.properties into <BPS_HOME>/repository/conf directory.
- Restart the server if the server is already running. Now you are ready to use the property-reader extension in your BPEL process.
- Get the property-reader BPEL sample from this location.
- Extract the PropertyReader_1.0.0.zip and upload the sample.properties to the registry (either config or governance registry) or keep in the file system.
- Deploy the PropertyReader BPEL process.
- Invoke the process and compare the results with sample.properties configurations.
In the PropertyReader_1.0.0/PropertyReader.bpel config
Define the namespace as xmlns:propr="http://wso2.org/bps/extensions/propertyReader"
Declare the Extension Activity as:
<bpel:extensions> <bpel:extension namespace="http://wso2.org/bps/extensions/propertyReader" mustUnderstand="yes" /> </bpel:extensions>
Assign the properties to variables:
<bpel:extensionActivity> <propr:readProperties location="conf:sample.properties"> <property name="property1"> <to variable="test"></to> </property> <property name="property2"> <to variable="test2"></to> </property> </propr:readProperties> </bpel:extensionActivity>
, multiple selections available,
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.