This documentation is for WSO2 Complex Event Processor 2.0.0. View documentation for the latest release.


Complex Event Processor is triggered by events. When event source publish event or stream of events, there will be a topic to publish the events to be received by the CEP Server. By defining inputs, we are defining a topic where an event source can publish to, and in Inputs we'll also provide the input mapping defining how the incoming events should be converted to the appropriate CEP back end engine's events,

An input consists following elements

  • Topic Name - Topic which an event source should publish events to be received by CEP
  • Broker Name - Name of the broker which the events are sent through


  • Stream - Name of the event stream used to fed the incoming events to the back end runtime
  • Query Event Type - The type to which the input mapping should convert the events, this depends on the back end runtime we selected.

Following are the available Query Event Types.

    • Tuple  - Used by Siddhi
    • Map - Used by Fusion and Esper TM
    • Class - Adding custom classes to be used by Fusion and Esper TM

  • Input Mapping Type - The type of incoming event that to be converted.

    Following are the available Input Mapping Types.