com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

JMX-Based Monitoring

Java Management Extensions (JMX) is a technology that lets you implement management interfaces for Java applications. A management interface, as defined by JMX, is composed of named objects called MBeans (Management Beans). MBeans are registered with a name (an ObjectName) in an MBeanServer. To manage a resource or many resources in your application, write an MBean that defines its management interface. Then register the MBean in your MBeanServer. The content of the MBeanServer can then be exposed through various protocols, implemented by protocol connectors or protocol adapters.

JMX is enabled in WSO2 Carbon by default. Therefore, the WSO2 Complex Event Processor facilitates JMX-based monitoring and provides statistics on the events using JMX technology.

You can change the JMX configuration by editing the jmx.xml file that is inside <CEP_HOME>/repository/conf/etc/ directory. You can configure JMX ports, that are RMIRegistryPort and RMIServerPort from the Ports section of the carbon.xml, which is in <CEP_HOME>/repository/conf/ directory as follows:

     <!--The port RMI registry is exposed-->
     <!--The port RMI server should be exposed-->

If JMX is enabled, when the server starts up, it will print the JMX Server URL on the console as follows:

INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.init.CarbonServerManager} - JMX Service URL : service:jmx:rmi: //<your-ip>:11111/jndi/rmi://<your-ip>:9999/jmxrmi

Using Jconsole to Manage and Monitor CEP

Jconsole is a JMX-compliant monitoring tool. It is shipped with the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.5 and newer versions and can be found in <JDK_HOME>/bin/ directory. 

Start the tool by simply typing jconsole in a command (shell) prompt from <JDK_HOME>/bin/ directory.

Once the console is opened, connect to Carbon by providing the following URL as the Remote Process URL. Type in the default username and password combination admin/admin to log in. Note that this is the same administrator account that is used to log into the CEP Management Console. Any user having the admin role can log in to JMX.

The Java Monitoring & Management Console opens. The first window looks similar to the following:

Click MBeans tab to see the org.wso2.carbon domain that contains the MBeans as follows:

ServerAdmin MBean

The ServerAdmin MBean is used for administering the Complex Event Processor instance.

There are several Server attributes such as Alive, ServerStatus, ServerData and ServerVersion. The ServerStatus attribute can take any of the following values:



The ServerAdmin MBean has the following operations:


  • shutdown  - forcefully shutdown the server.
  • restart  - forcefully restart the server.
  • restartGracefully  - wait till all current requests are served and then restart.
  • shutdownGracefully  - wait till all current requests are served and then shutdown.
  • startMaintenance  - switch the server to maintenance mode. No new requests will be accepted while the server is in maintenance.
  • endMaintenance  - switch the server to normal mode, if it was switched to maintenance mode earlier.

StatisticsAdmin MBean

The Statistics MBean is used for monitoring system and server statistics. The attributes of it are as follows:

  • AvgSystemResponseTime  - The average response time for all the services deployed in the system. The beginning of the measurement is the time on which the server started.
  • MaxSystemResponseTime  - The maximum response time for all the services deployed in the system. The beginning of the measurement is the time on which the server started.
  • MinSystemResponseTime  - The minimum time for all the services deployed in the system. The beginning of the measurement is the time on which the server started.
  • SystemFaultCount  - The total number of faults that occurred in the system since the server was started.
  • SystemRequestCount  - The total number of requests that has been served by the system since the server was started.
  • SystemResponseCount  - The total number of response that has been sent by the system since the server was started.

Operations available in the StatisticsAdmin MBean are as follows:

  • getServiceRequestCount(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the total number of requests received by this service since the time it was deployed, using this operation.
  • getServiceResponseCount(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the total number of responses sent by this service since the time it was deployed, using this operation.
  • getServiceFaultCount(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the total number of fault responses sent by this service since the time it was deployed, using this operation.
  • getMaxServiceResponseTime(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the maximum response time of this service since deployment.
  • getMinServiceResponseTime(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the minimum response time of this service since deployment.
  • getAvgServiceResponseTime(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can get the average response time of this service since deployment.
  • getOperationRequestCount(p1:string, p2:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the total number of requests received by this operation since the time its service was deployed, using this operation.
  • getOperationResponseCount(p1:string, p2:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the total number of responses sent by this operation since the time its service was deployed, using this operation.
  • getOperationFaultCount(p1:string, p2:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the total number of fault responses sent by this operation since the time its service was deployed, using this operation.
  • getMaxOperationResponseTime(p1:string, p2:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the maximum response time of this operation since deployment.
  • getMinOperationResponseTime(p1:string, p2:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the minimum response time of this operation since deployment.
  • getAvgOperationResponseTime(p1:string, p2:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. The p2 parameter is the operation name. You can get the average response time of this operation since deployment.

ServiceAdmin MBean

The ServiceAdmin MBean is used for administering services deployed in the Complex Event Processor. The attributes of it are as follows:

  • NumberOfActiveServices  - The number of services that can currently serve requests.
  • NumberOfInactiveServices  - The number of services that have been disabled by an administrator.
  • NumberOfFaultyServices  - The number of services that are faulty.

The operations available in the ServiceAdmin MBean are as follows:

  • startService(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can activate a service using this operation.
  • stopService(p1:string) - The p1 parameter is the service name. You can deactivate/disable a service using this operation.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.