Math Extension
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Math Extension
Math extension provides basic mathematical functions such as calculating absolute value, sin, cos, tan, base conversion, parsing, etc. Following are the functions of the Math extension.
Absolute Value function
Syntax | <double> math:abs(<float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the absolute value of p1 . This function wraps the java.lang.Math.abs() function. |
Examples | Both the following queries return 3 since the absolute value of both
acos function
Syntax | <double> math:acos(<float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | If -1 <= p1 <= 1, this function returns the arc-cosine (inverse cosine) of p1 . If not, it returns NULL. The return value is in radian scale. This function wraps the java.lang.Math.acos() function. |
Example | acos(0.5) returns 1.0471975511965979 . |
asin function
Syntax | <double> math:asin (<float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | If -1 <= p1 <= 1, this function returns the arc-sin (inverse sine) of p1 . If not, it returns NULL . The return value is in radian scale. This function wraps the java.lang.Math.asin() function. |
Example | asin(0.5) returns 0.5235987755982989 . |
atan function
Syntax | <double> math:atan(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the arc-tangent (inverse tangent) of p1 . The return value is in radian scale. This function wraps the java.lang.Math.atan() function. |
Examples | atan(6d) returns 1.4056476493802699 . |
Syntax | <double> math:atan (<int|long|float|double> p1, <int|long|float|double> p2) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the arc-tangent (inverse tangent) of p1 and p2 coordinates. The return value is in radian scale. This function wraps the java.lang.Math.atan2() function. |
Examples | atan(12d, 5d) returns 1.1760052070951352 . |
Binary function
Syntax | <string> math:bin(<int|long> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns a string representation of the integer/long p1 argument as an unsigned integer in base 2 . This function wraps the java.lang.Integer.toBinaryString andjava.lang.Long.toBinaryString methods. |
Examples | bin(9) returns "1001" . |
Ceiling function
Syntax | <double> math:ceil(<float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) double value that is greater than or equal to the p1 argument, and is equal to a mathematical integer. This function wraps thejava.lang.Math.ceil() method. |
Example | ceil(423.187d) returns 424.0 . |
Convert function
Syntax | <string> math:conv(<string> a, <int> fromBase, <int> toBase) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Converts a from the fromBase base to the toBase base. |
Example | conv("7f", 16, 10) returns "127" . |
CopySign function
Syntax | <double> math:copySign(<int|long|float|double> magnitude, <int|long|float|double> sign) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the magnitude of magnitude with the sign of sign . This function wraps the java.lang.Math.copySign() function. |
Example | copySign(5.6d, -3.0d) returns -5.6 . |
cos function
Syntax | <double> math:cos(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the cosine of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.cos() function. |
Example | cos(6d) returns 0.9601702866503661 . |
cosh function
Syntax | <double> math:cosh(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.cosh() function. |
Example | cosh (6d) returns 201.7156361224559 . |
Cube Root function
Syntax | <double> math:cbrt(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the cube-root of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.cbrt() function. |
Example | cbrt(17d) returns 2.5712815906582356 . |
e function
Syntax | <double> math:e() |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the java.lang.Math.E constant, which is the closest double value to e (which is the base of the natural logarithms). |
Example | e() returns 2.7182818284590452354 . |
Exponential function
Syntax | <double> math:exp(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns Euler's number e raised to the power of p1 . This function wraps the java.lang.Math.exp() function. |
Example | exp(10.23) returns 27722.51006805505 . |
Floor function
Syntax | <double> math:floor(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | This function wraps the java.lang.Math.floor() function that returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) value that is less that or equal to p1 , and is equal to a mathematical integer. |
Example | floor(10.23) returns 10.0. |
Get Exponent function
Syntax | <double> math:getExponent(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the unbiased exponent used in the representation of p1 . This function wraps the java.lang.Math.getExponent() function. |
Example | getExponent(60984.1) returns 15 . |
Hexadecimal function
Syntax | <string> math:hex(<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | This function wraps the java.lang.Double.toHexString() function that returns a hexadecimal string representation of p1 . |
Example | hex(200) returns "c8" . |
Is Infinite function
Syntax | <boolean> math:isInfinite(<float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | This function wraps the java.lang.Float.isInfinite() and java.lang.Double.isInfinite() functions that return true if p1 is infinitely large in magnitude, or return false otherwise. |
Example | isInfinite(java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) returns true . |
Is Not A Number function
Syntax | < boolean> math:isNan(<float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | This function wraps the java.lang.Float.isNaN() and java.lang.Double.isNaN() functions that return true if p1 is a NaN (Not-a-Number) value, or return false otherwise. |
Example | isNan(java.lang.Math.log(-12d) ) returns true . |
ln function
Syntax | <double> math:ln (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the natural logarithm (base e) of p1 . |
Example | ln(11.453) returns 2.438251704415579 . |
log2 function
Syntax | <double> math:log2 (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the base 2 logarithm of p1 . |
Example | log2(91d) returns 6.507794640198696 . |
log10 function
Syntax | <double> math:log10 ( < int|long|float|double > p1 ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the base 10 logarithm of p1. |
Example | log10(19.234) returns 1.2840696117100832 . |
log function
Syntax | <double> math:log (< int|long|float|double > number, < int|long|float|double > base ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the logarithm (base=base) of number . |
Example | log(34, 2f) returns 5.08746284125034 . |
Max function
Syntax | <double> math:max (< int|long|float|double > p1, <int|long|float|double> p2 ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the greater value out of p1 and p2 . |
Example | max(123.67d, 91) returns 123.67 . |
Min function
Syntax | <double> math:min (< int|long|float|double > p1, <int|long|float|double> p2 ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the smaller value out of p1 and p2 . |
Example | min(123.67d, 91) returns 91 . |
Octal function
Syntax | <string> math:oct (<int|long> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Converts p1 to octal. |
Example | oct(99l) returns "143" . |
Parse Double function
Syntax | <double> math:parseDouble (<string> str) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns str as a double. |
Example | parseDouble("123") returns 123.0 . |
Parse Float function
Syntax | <float> math:parseFloat (<string> str) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns str as a float. |
Example | parseFloat("123") returns 123.0 . |
Parse Int function
Syntax | <int> math:parseInt (<string> str) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns str as an int. |
Example | parseInt("123") returns 123 . |
Parse Long function
Syntax | <long> math:parseLong (<string> str) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns str as a long. |
Example | parseLong("123") returns 123 . |
Percentile function
Syntax | <double> math:percentile (<int|long|float|double> arg, <double> p) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the p th percentile value of the arg values. |
Example | from inputStream#window.length(100) select math:percentile(temperature, 97.0) as percentile insert into outputStream; returns 97th percentile value of last 100 |
pi function
Syntax | <double> math:pi ( ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the java.lang.Math.PI constant, which is the closest value to pi (i.e. the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter). |
Example | pi() always returns 3.141592653589793 . |
Power function
Syntax | <double> math:power ( < int|long|float|double> value, <int|long|float|double> toPower ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns value raised to the power of toPower . |
Example | power(5.6d, 3.0d) returns 175.61599999999996 . |
Random function
Syntax | <double> math:rand ( ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | A sequence of calls to rand() generates a stream of pseudo-random numbers. This function uses the java.util.Random class internally. |
Example | Two sequential calls to rand() may return 0.8263929447650588 and 0.24425883860361197 respectively. |
Syntax | <double> math:rand (< int|long > seed) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | A sequence of calls to rand(seed ) generates a stream of pseudo-random numbers. This function uses the java.util.Random class internally. |
Example | Two sequential calls to rand(12) may return 0.7298928061101974 and 0.2750691655200749 , respectively. |
Round function
Syntax |
Extension Type | Funcion |
Description | Returns the closest integer value to the argument. |
Example | round(3.35) returns 3 . |
Syntax | <long> math:round (<double> value ) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the closest long value to the argument. |
Example | round(3252.353) returns 3252 . |
Sign of Number function
Syntax | <int> math:signum (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description |
This function wraps the |
Example | signum(-6.32d) returns -1 . |
sin function
Syntax | <double> math:sin (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the sine of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.sin() function. |
Example | sin(6d ) returns -0.27941549819892586. |
sinh function
Syntax | <double> math:sinh (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the hyperbolic sine of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.sinh() function. |
Example | sinh(6d) returns 201.71315737027922 . |
Square Root function
Syntax | <double> math:sqrt (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the square-root of p1 . This function wraps the java.lang.Math.sqrt() function. |
Example | sqrt(4d) returns 2 . |
tan function
Syntax | <double> math:tan (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the tan of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.tan() function. |
Example | tan(6d) returns -0.29100619138474915 . |
tanh function
Syntax | <double> math:tanh (<int|long|float|double> p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of p1 (p1 is in radians). This function wraps the java.lang.Math.tanh() function. |
Example | tanh(6d) returns 0.9999877116507956 . |
To Degrees function
Syntax | <double> math:toDegrees (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Converts p1 from radians to degrees. This function wraps the java.lang.Math.toDegrees() function. |
Example | toDegrees(6d) returns 343.77467707849394 . |
To Radians function
Syntax | <double> math:toRadians (< int|long|float|double > p1) |
Extension Type | Function |
Description | Converts p1 from degrees to radians. This function wraps the java.lang.Math.toRadians() function. |
Example | toRadians(6d) returns 0.10471975511965977 . |
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