Publishing Logs to BAM
If you are using BAM to monitor the logs from the servers in your production environment, the first step is to ensure that all logs from the servers are published to BAM. To achieve this, the log4j appender should be configured in each server before they are started. That is, you must open the
 file, add 'LogEvent' to the root logger and configure the LogEvent credentials accordingly.Â
Note that your BAM server should be up and running before the other servers are started. To test if the logs are successfully sent to BAM, you can log into Cassandra explorer and check if there is a new column family created under EVENT_KS keyspace.
Go toÂ
 file and addÂLOGEVENT
 to log4j root logger as shown below.log4j.rootLogger=INFO, CARBON_CONSOLE, CARBON_LOGFILE, CARBON_MEMORY, CARBON_SYS_LOG,LOGEVENT
To add data publishing URLs and credentials, modify theÂ
 appender’s ÂLOGEVENT.url
 to the BAM Server thrift URL and also change theÂLOGEVENT.userName
 to the credentials from BAM as illustrated below.log4j.appender.LOGEVENT=org.wso2.carbon.logging.service.appender.LogEventAppender log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.url=tcp:<BAM server thrift url> log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.layout=org.wso2.carbon.utils.logging.TenantAwarePatternLayout log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.columnList=%T,%S,%H,%A,%d,%c,%p,%m,%I,%Stacktrace log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.userName=admin log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.password=admin #log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.password=secretAlias:Log4j.Appender.LOGEVENT.Password log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.truststorePath=/repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.trustStorePassword=<trust-store-password> #log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.trustStorePassword=secretAlias:Carbon.Security.TrustStore.Password log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.processingLimit=1000 log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.maxTolerableConsecutiveFailure=20 log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.streamDef=streamName
Data Model for Log Event
When the logs are published to BAM, they are stored in a Cassandra cluster. The data stream, which carries the information that needs to be stored for a particular LogEvent, is always created per tenant, server and date. Therefore, when this data stream is initialised in BAM, a unique column family is also created per tenant, server and date, in a predefined keyspace of the Cassandra cluster. Also, note that in order to capture tenant information, server information and node information, the org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
 is extended and wrapped with log4j LogEvent.
Given below is the information in the data stream of a LogEvent:
{'name':'log. tenantId.','version':'1.0.0', 'nickName':'Logs', 'description':'Logging Event', 'metaData':[{'name':'clientType','type':'STRING'} ], 'payloadData':[ {'name':'tenantID','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'serverName','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'appName','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'logTime','type':'LONG'}, {'name':'priority','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'message','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'logger','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'ip','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'instance','type':'STRING'}, {'name':'stacktrace','type':'STRING'} ] }
Go to Log Analysis in BAM for details on how you can monitor these logs in BAM.