com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Default Ports of WSO2 Products

This page describes the default ports that are used for each WSO2 product when the port offset is 0.

Common ports

The following ports are common to all WSO2 products that provide the given feature. Some features are bundled in the WSO2 Carbon platform itself and therefore are available in all WSO2 products by default.

Management console ports

WSO2 products that provide a management console use the following servlet transport ports:

LDAP server ports

Provided by default in the WSO2 Carbon platform.

  • 10389 - Used in WSO2 products that provide an embedded LDAP server

KDC ports

  • 8000 - Used to expose the Kerberos key distribution center server

JMX monitoring ports

WSO2 Carbon platform uses TCP ports to monitor a running Carbon instance using a JMX client such as JConsole. By default, JMX is enabled in all products. You can disable it using <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/etc/jmx.xml file.

  • 11111 - RMIRegistry port. Used to monitor Carbon remotely
  • 9999 - RMIServer port. Used along with the RMIRegistry port when Carbon is monitored from a JMX client that is behind a firewall

Clustering ports

To cluster any running Carbon instance, either one of the following ports must be opened.

  • 45564 - Opened if the membership scheme is multicast
  • 4000 - Opened if the membership scheme is wka

Random ports

Certain ports are randomly opened during server startup. This is due to specific properties and configurations that become effective when the product is started. Note that the IDs of these random ports will change every time the server is started.

  • A random TCP port will open at server startup because of the property set in the server startup script. This property is used for the JMX monitoring facility in JVM.
  • A random UDP port is opened at server startup due to the log4j appender (SyslogAppender), which is configured in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/ file.

Product-specific ports

Some WSO2 products will have additional ports as explained below.

API Manager

  • 10397 - Thrift client and server ports
  • 8280, 8243 - NIO/PT transport ports
  • 7711 - Thrift SSL port for secure transport, where the client is authenticated to BAM/CEP: stat pub

If you change the default API Manager ports with a port offset, most of its ports will be changed automatically according to the offset except a few exceptions described in the API Manager documentation.

Data Analytics Server

Given below are the specific ports used by WSO2 DAS.

Ports inherited from WSO2 BAM

WSO2 DAS inherits the following port configurations used in its predecessor, WSO2 Business Activity Monitor (BAM).

  • 7711 - Thrift SSL port for secure transport, where the client is authenticated to use WSO2 DAS.
  • 7611 - Thrift TCP port where WSO2 DAS receives events from clients.
Ports used by the Spark Analytics Engine

The Spark Analytics engine is used in 3 separate modes in WSO2 DAS as follows.

  • Local mode
  • Cluster mode
  • Client mode

Default port configurations for these modes are as follows.

For more information on these ports, go to Apache Spark Documentation.

  • Ports available for all modes
    The following ports are available for all three modes explained above. 

    DescriptionPort number
  • Ports available for the cluster mode
    The following ports are available only for the cluster mode.

    DescriptionPort number

Business Process Server

  • 2199 - RMI registry port (datasources provider port)

Complex Event Processor

  • 9160 - Cassandra port on which Thrift listens to clients
  • 7711 - Thrift SSL port for secure transport, where the client is authenticated to CEP
  • 7611 - Thrift TCP port to receive events from clients to CEP
  • 11224 - Thrift TCP port for HA management of CEP

Elastic Load Balancer

  • 8280, 8243 - NIO/PT transport ports

Enterprise Service Bus

Non-blocking HTTP/S transport ports: Used to accept message mediation requests. If you want to send a request to an API or a proxy service for example, you must use these ports. ESB_HOME}/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml file.

  • 8243 - Passthrough or NIO HTTPS transport
  • 8280 - Passthrough or NIO HTTP transport

Identity Server

  • 8000 - KDCServerPort. Port which KDC (Kerberos Key Distribution Center) server runs
  • 10500 - ThriftEntitlementReceivePort

Message Broker

Message Broker uses the following JMS ports to communicate with external clients over the JMS transport.

  • 5672 - Port for listening for messages on TCP when the AMQP transport is used.
  • 8672 - Port for listening for messages on TCP/SSL when the AMQP Transport is used.
  • 1883 - Port for listening for messages on TCP when the MQTT transport is used.
  • 8833 - Port for listening for messages on TCP/SSL when the MQTT Transport is used.
  • 7611 - The port for Apache Thrift Server.

Machine Learner

  • 7077 - The default port for Apache Spark.
  • 54321 - The default port for H2O.
  • 4040 - The default port for Spark UI.

Storage Server


  • 7000 - For Inter node communication within cluster nodes
  • 7001 - For inter node communication within cluster nodes vis SSL
  • 9160 - For Thrift client connections
  • 7199 - For JMX


  • 54310 - Port used to connect to the default file system.
  • 54311 - Port used by the MapRed job tracker
  • 50470 - Name node secure HTTP server port
  • 50475 - Data node secure HTTP server port
  • 50010 - Data node server port for data transferring
  • 50075 - Data node HTTP server port
  • 50020 - Data node IPC server port

Enterprise Mobility Manager

The following ports need to be opened for Android and iOS devices, so that it can connect GCM (Google Cloud Message) and APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) and enroll to WSO2 EMM.

The ports to open are 5228, 5229 and 5230. GCM typically only uses 5228, but it sometimes uses 5229 and 5230.
GCM does not provide specific IPs, so it is recommended to allow the firewall to accept outgoing connections to all IP addresses contained in the IP blocks listed in Google's ASN of 15169. 


  • 5223 - TCP port used by devices to communicate to APNs servers
  • 2195 - TCP port used to send notifications to APNs
  • 2196 - TCP port  used by the APNs feedback service
  • 443 - TCP port used as a fallback on Wi-Fi, only when devices are unable to communicate to APNs on port 5223
    The APNs servers use load balancing. The devices will not always connect to the same public IP address for notifications. The entire address block is assigned to Apple, so it is best to allow this range in the firewall settings. 

API Manager:

The following WSO2 API Manager ports are only applicable to WSO2 EMM 1.1.0 onwards.

  • 10397 - Thrift client and server ports
  • 8280, 8243 - NIO/PT transport ports
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.