com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Configuring Metrics Properties

When the monitoring capability with metrics is enabled in your product, the metrics dashboard will be available when you log into the management console. The metrics dashboard will provide a page for viewing the statistics that use JVM metrics. Further, depending on the WSO2 product that you are using, there will be a separate page for viewing product-specific statistics using metrics.

The <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/ file specifies the properties that correspond to the gauges for JVM metrics in the metrics dashboard. The level defined for a property in this file determines the extent to which the relevant gauge in the dashboard should be updated with information. The different levels that can be defined for properties are as follows:

OffDesignates no informational events.
InfoDesignates informational metric events that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.
DebugDesignates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.
TraceDesignates finer-grained informational events than the DEBUG.
AllDesignates all the informational events.

If no specific level is configured for a property in the file, the metrics root level will apply. The root level is defined as shown in the following example in the file.


If you want to change the current root level, you can also use the following command.


The levels in the file can be configured to any hierarchy. However, if the level defined for an individual property is different to the level defined for its parent in the hierarchy, the level defined for the individual property will overrule that of the parent. For example, if we have metric.level.jvm.memory=INFO in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/ file, all metrics under jvm.memory will have INFO as the configured level. However, if you have metric.level.jvm.memory.heap=TRACE, the TRACE level would apply for the metric.level.jvm.memory.heap property even though it is a child property of jvm.memory.

The properties that are included in this file by default are as follows: 

JVM's direct and mapped buffer pools

PropertyDefault LevelDescription
metric.level.jvm.buffersOFFThe gauge showing the current number of distinct buffers.

Class loading

PropertyDefault LevelDescription
metric.level.jvm.class-loadingINFOThe gauge showing the number of classes currently loaded for the JVM.


PropertyDefault LevelDescription
metric.level.jvm.gcDEBUGThe gauge for showing garbage collection and memory usage. Monitoring this allows you to identify memory leaks that will have a negative impact on performance.


PropertyDefault LevelDescription
metric.level.jvm.memoryINFOThe gauge for showing the used and committed memory in WSO2 MB.
metric.level.jvm.memory.heapINFOThe gauge for showing the used and committed heap in WSO2 MB.
metric.level.jvm.memory.non-heapINFOThe gauge for showing the used code cache and used CMS Perm Gen in WSO2 MB.
metric.level.jvm.memory.totalINFOThe gauge for showing the total memory currently available for the JVM.
metric.level.jvm.memory.poolsOFFThe gauge for showing the used and available memory for JVM in the memory pool.

Operating system load

PropertyDefault LevelDescription
metric.level.jvm.osINFOThe gauge for showing the current load imposed by the JVM on the operating system.


PropertyDefault LevelDescription
metric.level.jvm.threadsOFFThe parent property of all the gauges relating to the JVM thread pool. The metric level defined for this property will apply to all the remaining properties in this table. The metric level set via this property to a child property can be overruled if a different level is set for it.
metric.level.jvm.threads.countDEBUGThe gauge for showing the number of active and idle threads currently available in the JVM thread pool.
metric.level.jvm.threads.daemon.countDEBUGThe gauge for showing the number of active daemon threads currently available in the JVM thread pool.
metric.level.jvm.threads.blocked.countOFFThe gauge for showing the number of threads that are currently blocked in the JVM thread pool.
metric.level.jvm.threads.deadlock.countOFFThe gauge for showing the number of threads that are currently in deadlock in the JVM thread pool. gauge for showing the number of new threads generated in the JVM thread pool.
metric.level.jvm.threads.runnable.countOFFThe gauge for showing the number of runnable threads currently available in the JVM thread pool.
metric.level.jvm.threads.terminated.countOFFThe gauge for showing the number of threads terminated from the JVM thread pool since you started running the WSO2 MB instance.
metric.level.jvm.threads.timed_waiting.countOFFThe gauge for showing the number of threads with Timed_Waiting status.
metric.level.jvm.threads.waiting.countOFFThe gauge for showing the number of threads with Waiting status in the JVM thread pool. One or more other threads are required to perform certain actions before these threads can proceed with their actions.
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.