Building Custom Event Publishers
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Building Custom Event Publishers

In addition to the default publisher types, you can define your own custom publisher. This provides more flexibility to publish events that are sent to WSO2 products. Each event publisher implementation is an OSGI bundle. Therefore, you can easily deploy it as well as undo its deployment on a WSO2 product. To create a custom event publisher, import the org.wso2.carbon.event.output.adaptor.core package that contains the skeleton classes/interfaces required for the custom publisher implementation.

Implementing the OutputEventAdapter interface

The org.wso2.carbon.event.output.adapter.core .OutputEventAdapter interface contains the event publisher logic that is used to publish events. You should override the methods given below when implementing your own custom publisher.

  • void init() throws OutputEventAdapterException

    This method is called when initiating the event publisher bundle. Relevant code segments that are needed when loading OSGI bundle can be included in this method.

  • void testConnect() throws TestConnectionNotSupportedException, ConnectionUnavailableException

    This method is used to test the connection of the publishing server.

  • void connect() throws ConnectionUnavailableException

    This method can be called to connect to the backend before the events are published.

  • void publish(Object message, Map<String, String> dynamicProperties) throws ConnectionUnavailableException

    This method publishes events. It throws the ConnectionUnavailableException if it cannot connect to the backend.

  • void disconnect()   

    This method is called after the publishing is done, or when the ConnectionUnavailableException is thrown.

  • void destroy()

    This method can be used to clean all the resources consumed.

  • boolean isPolled()

    This method checks whether events get accumulated at the adapter, and clients connect to it to collect events.

The following is a sample Email publisher implementation of the methods described above.

public class EmailEventAdapter implements OutputEventAdapter {
    public void init() throws OutputEventAdapterException {
        tenantId= PrivilegedCarbonContext.getThreadLocalCarbonContext().getTenantId();
        //ThreadPoolExecutor will be assigned  if it is null.
        if (threadPoolExecutor == null) {
            int minThread;
            int maxThread;
            long defaultKeepAliveTime;
            int jobQueSize;
            //If global properties are available those will be assigned else constant values will be assigned
            if (globalProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.MIN_THREAD_NAME) != null) {
                minThread = Integer.parseInt(globalProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.MIN_THREAD_NAME));
            } else {
                minThread = EmailEventAdapterConstants.MIN_THREAD;
            if (globalProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAX_THREAD_NAME) != null) {
                maxThread = Integer.parseInt(globalProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAX_THREAD_NAME));
            } else {
                maxThread = EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAX_THREAD;
            if (globalProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_NAME) != null) {
                defaultKeepAliveTime = Integer.parseInt(globalProperties.get(
            } else {
                defaultKeepAliveTime = EmailEventAdapterConstants.DEFAULT_KEEP_ALIVE_TIME_IN_MILLS;
            if (globalProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_EXECUTOR_JOB_QUEUE_SIZE_NAME) != null) {
                jobQueSize = Integer.parseInt(globalProperties.get(
            } else {
                jobQueSize = EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_EXECUTOR_JOB_QUEUE_SIZE;
            threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(minThread, maxThread, defaultKeepAliveTime,
                    TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(jobQueSize));
    public void testConnect() throws TestConnectionNotSupportedException {
        throw new TestConnectionNotSupportedException("Test connection is not available");
    public void connect() throws ConnectionUnavailableException {
        if (session == null) {
             * Default SMTP properties for outgoing messages.
            String smtpFrom;
            String smtpHost;
            String smtpPort;
             *  Default from username and password for outgoing messages.
            final String smtpUsername;
            final String smtpPassword;
            // initialize SMTP session.
            Properties props = new Properties();
            //Verifying default SMTP properties of the SMTP server.
            smtpFrom = props.getProperty(MailConstants.MAIL_SMTP_FROM);
            smtpHost = props.getProperty(EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAIL_SMTP_HOST);
            smtpPort = props.getProperty(EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAIL_SMTP_PORT);
            if (smtpFrom == null) {
                String msg = "failed to connect to the mail server due to null smtpFrom value";
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException("The adapter " +
                        eventAdapterConfiguration.getName() + " " + msg);
            if (smtpHost == null) {
                String msg = "failed to connect to the mail server due to null smtpHost value";
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException
                        ("The adapter " + eventAdapterConfiguration.getName() + " " + msg);
            if (smtpPort == null) {
                String msg = "failed to connect to the mail server due to null smtpPort value";
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException
                        ("The adapter " + eventAdapterConfiguration.getName() + " " + msg);
            try {
                smtpFromAddress = new InternetAddress(smtpFrom);
            } catch (AddressException e) {
                log.error("Error in retrieving smtp address : " +
                        smtpFrom, e);
                String msg = "failed to connect to the mail server due to error in retrieving " +
                        "smtp from address";
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException
                        ("The adapter " + eventAdapterConfiguration.getName() + " " + msg, e);
            //Retrieving username and password of SMTP server.
            smtpUsername = props.getProperty(MailConstants.MAIL_SMTP_USERNAME);
            smtpPassword = props.getProperty(MailConstants.MAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD);
            //initializing SMTP server to create session object.
            if (smtpUsername != null && smtpPassword != null) {
                session = Session.getInstance(props, new Authenticator() {
                    public PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
                        return new PasswordAuthentication(smtpUsername, smtpPassword);
            } else {
                log.error("Error in smtp username & password verification");
                String msg = "failed to connect to the mail server due to failed " +
                        "user password authorization";
                throw new ConnectionUnavailableException("The adapter " +
                        eventAdapterConfiguration.getName() + " " + msg);
    public void publish(Object message, Map<String, String> dynamicProperties) {
        //Get subject and emailIds from dynamic properties
        String subject = dynamicProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_MESSAGE_EMAIL_SUBJECT);
        String[] emailIds = dynamicProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_MESSAGE_EMAIL_ADDRESS)
                .replaceAll(" ", "").split(EmailEventAdapterConstants.EMAIL_SEPARATOR);
        String emailType = dynamicProperties.get(EmailEventAdapterConstants.APAPTER_MESSAGE_EMAIL_TYPE);
        //Send email for each emailId
        for (String email : emailIds) {
            try {
                threadPoolExecutor.submit(new EmailSender(email, subject, message.toString(), emailType));
            } catch (RejectedExecutionException e) {
                EventAdapterUtil.logAndDrop(eventAdapterConfiguration.getName(), message, "Job queue is full", e, log, tenantId);
    public void disconnect() {
        //not required
    public void destroy() {
        //not required
    public boolean isPolled() {
        return false;

Implementing the OutputEventAdapterFactory class

The org.wso2.carbon.event.output.adapter.core.OutputEventAdapterFactory class can be used as the factory to create your appropriate event publisher type. You should override the methods given below when extending your own custom publisher.

  • public String getType()

    Here, the type needs to be specified. This string is displayed in the publisher interface in the adapter type drop down list.

  • public List<String> getSupportedMessageFormats()

    Here, the supported message formats for the created publisher type need to be specified.

  • public List<Property> getStaticPropertyList()

    Here static properties need to be specified. These properties use the values assigned when creating a publisher. For more information on adapter properties see Event Publisher Configuration .

  • public abstract List<Property> getDynamicPropertyList()

    You can define dynamic properties similar to static properties. The only difference is that dynamic property values can be derived from events handled by publisher. For more information on adapter properties see Event Publisher Configuration .

  • public abstract String getUsageTips()

    Specify any hints to be displayed in the Management Console.

  • public OutputEventAdapter createEventAdapter(OutputEventAdapterConfiguration eventAdapterConfiguration, Map<String, String> globalProperties)

    This method creates the publisher by specifying event adapter configuration and global properties that are common to each adapter type.

The following is a sample Email publisher implementation of the OutputEventAdapterFactory class.

public class EmailEventAdapterFactory extends OutputEventAdapterFactory {
    public String getType() {
        return EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_TYPE_EMAIL;
    public List<String> getSupportedMessageFormats() {
        List<String> supportedMessageFormats = new ArrayList<String>();
        return supportedMessageFormats;
    public List<Property> getStaticPropertyList() {
        return null;
    public List<Property> getDynamicPropertyList() {
        List<Property> dynamicPropertyList = new ArrayList<Property>();
        // set email address
        Property emailAddress = new Property(EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_MESSAGE_EMAIL_ADDRESS);
        // set email subject
        Property subject = new Property(EmailEventAdapterConstants.ADAPTER_MESSAGE_EMAIL_SUBJECT);
        //set format of the email
        Property format = new Property(EmailEventAdapterConstants.APAPTER_MESSAGE_EMAIL_TYPE);
        format.setOptions(new String[]{EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAIL_TEXT_PLAIN, EmailEventAdapterConstants.MAIL_TEXT_HTML});
        return dynamicPropertyList;
    public String getUsageTips() {
        return null;
    public OutputEventAdapter createEventAdapter(OutputEventAdapterConfiguration eventAdapterConfiguration, Map<String,
            String> globalProperties) {
        return new EmailEventAdapter(eventAdapterConfiguration, globalProperties);

Exposing the custom event publisher as an OSGI service  

Apart from the above, you can maintain a service class under the internal\ds\ directory to expose the custom event publisher implementation as an OSGI service. When exposing the service, it needs to be exposed as a service of the OutputtEventAdaptorFactory type. The following is a sample implementation of a service class for a custom defined publisher.

 * @scr.component component.name="output.Email.AdapterService.component" immediate="true"
public class EmailEventAdapterServiceDS {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(EmailEventAdapterServiceDS.class);

     * initialize the email service here service here.
     * @param context
    protected void activate(ComponentContext context) {

        try {
            OutputEventAdapterFactory emailEventAdaptorFactory = new EmailEventAdapterFactory();
                    emailEventAdaptorFactory, null);
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Successfully deployed the output Email event adaptor service");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            log.error("Can not create the output Email event adaptor service ", e);


Furthermore you can have a utility directory as internel\util\ where you can place utility classes required for the custom publisher implementation.

 Deploying the custom event publisher

Follow the procedure below to deploy a custom event publisher.

  1. Implement the custom event publisher type.
  2. Build the project.
  3. Copy the OSGI bundle that is created inside the target directory into the <DAS_HOME>/repository/components/dropins directory.

When you start the DAS server, you can see the newly created event publisher type service in the service startup logs. The newly created custom event publisher type will also be visible in the UI with the relevant properties. Now you can create several instances of this event publisher type.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.