Enabling Inter-gadget Communication
Follow the instructions below to enable inter-gadget communication, so that the subscriber (listener) can subscribe (listen) to a publisher channel:
The following steps are only applicable for gadgets that are designed for inter-gadget communication. For more information, see Configuring Gadgets for Inter-gadget Communication.
- If you are not in the process of creating a dashboard, navigate to the WSO2 Dashboard Designer home page, and click Design to edit the design of a dashboard.
Add the publisher and subscriber gadgets into the dashboard if you have not done so already.
If you wish you can add customized publisher and subscriber gadgets or you add the publisher and subscriber gadgets that are shipped with WSO2 DS.- Click Gadget Configurations in the block that has the subscriber gadget.
The corresponding gadget configurations menu appears in the right-hand side panel. The name of the listener appears under the caption Events.
Click Events, and then click on the name of the listener, in this case it is subscriber.
All the publisher channels that correspond to the subscriber, which are based on the subscriber type, appears.Select the publisher channel.
Now, the subscriber gadget is configured to listen to the selected publisher channels.