This is the WSO2 Data Services Server documentation version 2.6.3

WSO2 Data Services Server Documentation

WSO2 Data Services Server documentation

WSO2 Data Services Server (DSS) is a light-weight, enterprise-ready, fully-open source application server for Web services, based on the component-based WSO2 Carbon platform. The WSO2 Data Services Server is available under the Apache Software License 2.0 and is built on the Apache Axis2 framework. It incorporates leading open source components into a simple, easy-to-use, and high-performant package. Unlike many over-bloated, proprietary solutions, this package is a new platform that cuts out unnecessary layers, supporting the full WS-* stack in a clean and lean model. It provides a user-friendly web service interface for data stored in a range of data sources such as relational databases, CSV files, Microsoft Excel files, google spread sheets etc, which can be easily service-enabled using the WSO2 Data Services Server.

The WSO2 Data Services Server includes Web service specifications support such as WS-Addressing, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-Security and more, giving a secure, transactional and reliable infrastructure. Data can not only be exposed and accessed in a secured and reliable manner, but also made available for mashing-up with other Web services.

WSO2 Data Services Server is distributed in several convenient distribution packages, can be installed either as a standalone server or as part of a J2EE-compliant servlet container and accessed and managed through the simple user-interface. It also has many additional features inherited from the powerful WSO2 Carbon platform.

Key Features of the WSO2 Data Services Server

  • Boxcarring support
  • Batch request support
  • Support for multiple data source types
  • Distributed transaction support
  • Support for large XML outputs
  • Mixing multiple data sources in nested queries
  • Content filtering based on User's role
  • Support for named parameters
  • Ability to configure schema type for output elements
  • SQL Array support
  • UDT (User Defined Type) support
  • Oracle Ref Cursor support
  • Clustering support for high-availability and high-scalability
  • Full support for WS-Security, WS-Trust, WS-Policy and WS-Secure Conversation and XKMS
  • JMX and Web interface based monitoring and management
  • WS-* and REST support
  • Data validations
  • Complex results
  • Auto generated keys support
  • Scheduled tasks
  • Registry integration for Excel, CSV, XSLT
  • Web scraping support
  • Multiple SQL dialect support
  • DB -> DS generation
  • Service group/hierarchy support
  • Database explorer
  • Data as a Service features - DSS Stratos Service
    • Cassandra integration
    • RDS provisioning

Known Issues

For a list of known issues in the WSO2 Data Services Server version 2.6.3, refer to the following links in the WSO2 Oxygen Tank:

Community and Support

You can communicate with the WSO2 Data Services Server developers directly using the following mailing lists:

WSO2 encourages you to report issues and enhancement requests for the WSO2 Data Services Server using the publicJIRA available at You can also track their resolutions and comment on the progress.

Questions can be raised using the WSO2 Data Services Server Forum for developers and users.

WSO2 also offers a variety of development and production support programs, ranging from Web-based support during normal business hours, to premium 24x7 phone support. For additional support information please refer to

About the Documentation

The purpose of this documentation is to provide you with information for installing, configuring and implementing WSO2 Data Services Server 2.6.3. To find a specific topic in a particular section, click on the topic name in the Table of Contents.

Getting Started

You can take a look at the WSO2 Data Services Server architecture in the DSS Architecture section or proceed to the Installation section for instructions on installing and starting the Data Services Server on your specific operating system.