com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

About this Release

What's new in this release

WSO2 Developer Studio Kernel 4.0.0 is a core for tooling development of WSO2 products. The common core components are separated from WSO2 Developer Studio and all WSO2 tooling can be built and installed on top of this kernel. It includes common features required across WSO2 tooling components and new features to support WSO2 plug-in development on top of Eclipse.

Features included in the kernel:

  • Carbon application tools

  • Carbon registry tools

  • Plug-in sample extensions

  • Carbon user management tools

  • Security tools

  • Carbon registry tools

  • More plug-in templates

  • Server tools for Carbon servers

New features introduced in the kernel:

  • Web based editor framework

  • Developer Studio updater tool

  • Plug-in template samples for rapid development

Compatible WSO2 product versions

WSO2 Developer Studio Kernel 4.0.0 supports WSO2 Carbon 4.4.0 and is expected to be compatible with any other WSO2 product that is based on Carbon 4.4.0. If you get any compatibility issues, please contact team WSO2. 

Fixed and known issues

To explore the fixed issues and known issues in this release, go to:

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.