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Adding a Proxy Service

A proxy service defines virtual services hosted in WSO2 Enterprise Integrator that can accept requests, mediate them, and deliver them to an actual service. A proxy service can perform transport or interface switching and expose different semantics like WSDL, policies and QoS aspects like WS-Security from the actual service. It can mediate the messages before they are delivered to the actual endpoint and mediate the responses before they reach the client. You can also list a combination of tasks to be performed on the messages received by the proxy service and terminate the flow or you can send a message back to the client even without sending it to the actual service.

To add a new proxy service

  1. Click the Main tab on the Management Console. Go to Manage -> Services -> Add and then click Proxy Service.

    The Create Proxy Service from Template screen appears.
  2. Select a template that suits your mediation requirement. For example, if you want to expose an existing service with WS-Security, you can choose the "Secure Proxy" option to create a proxy service with WS-Security enabled with a specified security policy. If you implement a scenario where an existing service is exposed over a different schema (message format), you can use the "Transformer Proxy" option to easily set up a proxy service that transforms requests and responses based on specified XSLT configurations.
    The available templates are as follows:
    • Pass Through Proxy - Creates a simple proxy service on a specified endpoint. The proxy service does not perform any processing on the messages but simply forwards them to the back-end service.
    • Secure Proxy - Creates a proxy service with WS-Security engaged. The service will process WS-Security on incoming requests and forward them to an unsecured back-end service.
    • WSDL Based Proxy - Creates a proxy service based on the WSDL of an existing web service. Endpoint information is extracted from the remotely hosted WSDL of an actual service.
    • Logging Proxy - Creates a proxy service that logs all the incoming requests and forwards them to a given endpoint. Responses from the back-end service can also be logged before routing them to the client.
    • Transformer Proxy - Creates a proxy service, which transforms all the incoming requests using XSLT and then forwards them to a given endpoint. Responses from the back-end service can also be transformed before routing them to the client.
    • Custom Proxy - Launches the proxy service creation wizard, where you create a new proxy service by customising every aspect of the proxy including sequences, endpoints, transport, and other QoS settings.
  3. Specify the options for the selected template as described in the following topics:
  4. Specify an option for publishing a WSDL for the proxy service.
  5. Select the transports that the proxy service will use. Here you will only see the transports that are enabled.
  6. Click Create. The proxy service will be created and should appear in the Services list on the Deployed Services screen.