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Searching for Messages

This section explains how to search for specific messages in the Messages table where all the messages handled via a specific EI artifact during a selected time interval are listed.

To carry out a basic search for a record that has a specific value for an attribute, the syntax is as follows:


The following is a list of attributes based on which searches can be carried out:

  • messageFlowId
  • host
  • componentName
  • componentType
  • componentId
  • beforePayload
  • afterPayload
  • contextPropertyMap
  • entryPoint

The following tables specifies the syntax for different types of searches that can be performed:

RequirementSearch SyntaxExample
Search for messages where the payload contains specific text.beforePayload: \"REQUIRED_TEXT" OR afterPayload: \"REQUIRED_TEXT"

If you need to search for a message with a payload that contains the text foo, the search text entered in the Search field should be as follows.
beforePayload: \"foo\" OR afterPayload: \"foo\"

Search for a message with a specific message flow ID.messageId:<MESSAGE_FLOW_ID>If you need to search for a message of which the message flow ID is urn_uuid_003a84aa-b5fe40f5-c9a8-b94805352bfr, the search text entered in the Search field should be as follows.

Searching for a message with a specific value for a specific table column.<COLUMN_NAME>:"<COLUMN_VALUE>"

If you need to search for a messages of which the value for the Host column is, the search text entered in the Search field should be as follows.
host: ""

Searching for a message by specifying a part of the message flow ID,


  • If you need to search for a message of which the first part of the message flow ID consist of the characters  urn_uuid_3586f01a-62ab-45fd, the search text entered in the Search field should be as follows.
  • If you need to search for a message of which the first part of the message flow ID consist of the characters  urn_uuid_3586f01a-62ab-45fd, and the request correlation ID is 6dbffc-d9b4-11e6-bf26-cec0c777777, the search text entered in the Search field should be as follows.
    _messageFlowId: urn_uuid*3c6dbffc-d9b4-11e6-bf26-cec0c777777*
Searching for messages by more than one column value.<COLUMN1_NAME>:"<COLUMN1_VALUE>" AND <COLUMN2_NAME>:"<COLUMN2_VALUE>"If you need to search for a message of which the message flow ID is urn_uuid*3c6dbffc-d9b4-11e6-bf26-cec0c777777 AND the component name is LogMediator, the search text entered in the Search field should be as follows.
_messageFlowId: urn_uuid*3c6dbffc-d9b4-11e6-bf26-cec0c777777* AND componentName: LogMediator
  • Wildcard searches that start with the asterisk ( * ) are not supported.
  • Add an underscore ( _ ) before the column name when you are searching by a column if the value contains special characters (e.g., the dash [ - ]).