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Message Relay Module Policy

Syntax of Relay Module Policy.

<wsp:Policy wsu:Id="MessageRelayPolicy" xmlns:wsp=""
                    <wsmr:includeHiddenServices>false | false</wsmr:includeHiddenServices>
                        <wsmr:service>Name of the service</wsmr:service>*
                        <wsmr:messageBuilder contentType="content type of the message" class="message builder implementation class" class="message formatter implementation class"/>

These are the assertions:

  • includeHiddenServices - If this is true message going to the services with hiddenService parameter will be built.
  • wsmr:services - Messages going to these services will be built.
  • wsmr:service - Name of the service.
  • wsmr:builders - Message builders to be used for building the message.
  • wsmr:builder - A message builder to be used for a content type.


After changing the policy, user has to restart WSO2 EI for changes to take effect.


If the Message Relay is enabled for particular content type, there cannot be services with security enabled for that content type.