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Process Monitoring via Analytics

The Process Monitoring page displays information relating to processes carried out via the EI Business Process profile. This page contains the following gadgets.

When you open the Business-process Profile:process-analytics dashboard, the Process Monitoring page is displayed by default. For more information about accessing this dashboard, see Analyzing Business Process Statistics via the Analytics Dashboard.

Filters can be applied to each gadget in this page. For detailed instructions to apply filters, see Applying Filters.

Process Instance Execution Times

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DescriptionThis bar chart shows the amount of time (in hours) taken to complete each process instance.
PurposeTo determine the distribution of process execution times.
Primary FilterProcess ID
Secondary FiltersTop X / bottom X instances, date range


Task Instance Counts

View (Example)
DescriptionThe number of process instances for which the task was executed during the selected time interval.
PurposeTo identify the frequently invoked tasks.
Primary FilterProcess ID
Secondary FiltersTop X / bottom X tasks

Average Execution Times of Tasks

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DescriptionThis bar chart shows the average amount of time (in hours) taken to complete a process during the selected time interval.
PurposeTo identify bottlenecks of processes.
Primary FilterProcess ID
Secondary FilterTop X / bottom X tasks

User Involvement in the Process (Time)

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DescriptionThis bar chart shows the average amount of time (in hours) taken by each user to complete the process during the selected time interval.
PurposeTo measure the workload of a user.
Primary FilterNone
Secondary FilterTop X / bottom X users, date range

Average Execution Times of Process Versions

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DescriptionThis bar chart shows the average time (in hours) taken to complete the selected process based on the process version during the selected time interval.
PurposeTo measure the results of process changes/improvements.
Primary FilterProcess ID
Secondary FilterLatest X versions, Top X / bottom X versions

Instance Counts of Process Versions

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DescriptionThis bar chart shows the number of process instances that have been completed for a selected process ID during the selected time interval.
PurposeTo measure the usage of different process versions.
Primary FilterProcess ID
Secondary FilterLatest X versions, Top X / bottom X versions