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MongoDB Sample

Note that WSO2 EI is shipped with the following changes to what is mentioned in this documentation:

  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/ directory that includes all Data Integration samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/.
  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/samples/resources/ directory that includes all artifacts related to the Data Integration samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/resources/.

MongoDB is a NoSQL type, open-source document database. This sample demonstrates the usage of MongoDB as a data source in WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI).

About the sample

This sample data service contains the operations listed below. See About Data Services and Resources for a definition of data services and operations.

  • mongo_insert: This operation adds a document according to the provided id, name.
  • mongo_insert_doc: Using this operation you can inserts a document into the 'things' collection:
  • mongo_find: This operation returns all documents from the collection.
  • mongo_count: This operation counts and returns the number of all documents in the 'things' collection
  • mongo_update: This operation sets the name as 'Zack' and the id as the provided value for the document where name is 'Bob'
  • mongo_remove: This operation removes all the documents from the collection 'things' where id is equal to the given value
  • mongo_drop: This operation will drop the collection 'things' from the database


A MongoDB server v2.4.x or v2.2.x should be already running in the default port. Create a collection as below in the command shell.

use mydb
db.things.insert( { id: 1, name: "Document1" } )

Building the sample

The sample named MongoDBSample is shipped with WSO2 EI, by default. This .dbs file is stored in the <EI_HOME>/samples/data-services/dbs/mongoDB/ directory. Follow the steps given below.

  1. Before you upload the sample data service, be sure to start the MongoDB server. 
  2. Follow the instructions in Uploading a Created Data to deploy the sample file  (MongoDBSample.dbs) in the ESB of WSO2 EI. Click Services → List on the navigator. The sample should be listed on the services' dashboard.

For more information on using MongoDB as a datasource, see this tutorial.

Running the sample

The sample can be run using any SOAP client such as the Tryit tool that comes bundled with WSO2 EI.

Follow the steps below to demonstrate this functionality using the TryIt tool:

  1. Log in to the management console of your server and click List under Services in the navigator. The MongoDBSample will be listed here.
  2. Click Try this service to open the TryIt tool.
  3. Select the relevant operation and click Send to execute the commands as shown below.
    • Invoking the operation 'mongo_insert' to insert a document
    • Invoking the operation 'mongo_find' to retrieve the data in the collection