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Sample 157: Conditional Router for Routing Messages based on HTTP URL, HTTP Headers and Query Parameters

Note that WSO2 EI is shipped with the following changes to what is mentioned in this documentation :

  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/ repository/samples/ directory that includes all Integration profile samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/ samples/service-bus/.
  • <PRODUCT_HOME>/ repository/samples/resources/ directory that includes all artifacts related to the Integration profile samples is changed to <EI_HOME>/ samples/service-bus/resources/.

Objective: Routing Messages based on the HTTP Transport properties using the Conditional Router mediator.

<definitions xmlns="">
    <proxy name="StockQuoteProxy" transports="https http" startOnLoad="true" trace="disable">
                <conditionalRouter continueAfter="false">
                    <conditionalRoute breakRoute="false">
                            <match xmlns="" type="header" source="foo" regex="bar.*"/>
                        <target sequence="cnd1_seq"/>
                    <conditionalRoute breakRoute="false">
                            <and xmlns="">
                                <match type="header" source="my_custom_header1" regex="foo.*"/>
                                <match type="url" regex="/services/StockQuoteProxy.*"/>
                        <target sequence="cnd2_seq"/>
                    <conditionalRoute breakRoute="false">
                            <and xmlns="">
                                <match type="header" source="my_custom_header2" regex="bar.*"/>
                                <equal type="param" source="qparam1" value="qpv_foo"/>
                                    <match type="url" regex="/services/StockQuoteProxy.*"/>
                                    <match type="header" source="my_custom_header3" regex="foo.*"/>
                                    <equal type="param" source="qparam2" value="qpv_bar"/>
                        <target sequence="cnd3_seq"/>
    <sequence name="cnd1_seq">
        <log level="custom">
            <property name="MSG_FLOW" value="Condition (I) Satisfied"/>
        <sequence key="send_seq"/>
    <sequence name="cnd2_seq">
        <log level="custom">
            <property name="MSG_FLOW" value="Condition (II) Satisfied"/>
        <sequence key="send_seq"/>
    <sequence name="cnd3_seq">
        <log level="custom">
            <property name="MSG_FLOW" value="Condition (III) Satisfied"/>
        <sequence key="send_seq"/>
    <sequence name="send_seq">
        <log level="custom">
            <property name="DEBUG" value="Condition Satisfied"/>
            <endpoint name="simple">
                <address uri="http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService"/>


  • Start the Synapse configuration numbered 157: i.e. -sn 157 
  • Start the Axis2 server and deploy the SimpleStockQuoteService if not already done. For this particular case we will be using 'curl' to send requests with custom HTTP Headers to the proxy service. You may use a similar tool with facilitate those requirements. 

The request file stockQuoteReq.xml should contain the following request.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:ser="http://services.samples" xmlns:xsd="http://services.samples/xsd">

Condition I : Matching HTTP Header

curl -d @stockQuoteReq.xml -H "Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "foo:bar" "http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy"

Condition II : Matching HTTP Header AND Url

curl -d @stockQuoteReq.xml -H "Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "my_custom_header1:foo1" "http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy"

Condition III : 
Complex conditions with AND, OR and NOT

curl -d @stockQuoteReq.xml -H "Content-Type: application/soap+xml;charset=UTF-8" -H "my_custom_header2:bar" -H "my_custom_header3:foo" "http://localhost:8280/services/StockQuoteProxy?qparam1=qpv_foo&qparam2=qpv_foo2"