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Exposing a Carbon Datasource as a Data Service

A Carbon datasource is an RDBMS or a custom datasource created using the ESB profile of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI). You can simply use that as the datasource for a data service. A Carbon datasource is persistent, and can be used whenever required. 

Creating a Carbon datasource

See Managing Datasources for instructions on how to create a Carbon datasource. Be sure to copy the JDBC driver relevant to the database engine to one of the locations given below.

  • If the driver is a JAR file, add it to the <EI_HOME>/lib directory, so that it will be converted to an OSGI bundle and copied to the dropins directory during server startup. For example, if you are using MySQL, you would specify com.mysql.jdbc.Driver as the driver and would copy mysql-connector-java-5.XX-bin.jar to this directory.
  • If the driver is already an OSGI bundle, you can directly add it to the <EI_HOME>/dropins directory. 

If you do not copy the driver to the relevant directory, you will get an exception similar to "Cannot load JDBC driver class com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" when you create the datasource.

Creating a data service using the Carbon datasource

Follow the instructions in exposing an RDBMS as a data service and when you get to the Add New Data Source screen, select Carbon Data Source as the data source type. You get a drop-down list from which an existing Carbon data source can be selected as shown below. 

Also, see the samples in Data Integration Samples.