com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.

WSO2 EI Inbound Endpoints

Based on the protocol, the behaviour of an inbound endpoint can either be listening, polling or event-based.

For detailed information on listening, polling and event-based inbound endpoints see the following topics:

For information on how to create a custom inbound endpoint based on your requirement, see Custom Inbound Endpoint.

Following is a sample inbound endpoint configuration:

<inboundEndpoint xmlns=""
     <parameter name="inbound.http.port">8085</parameter>

In an inbound endpoint configuration, the common inbound endpoint parameters are specified as attributes of the <inboundEndpoint> element whereas the protocol specific parameters are specified as <parameter> elements.

Common inbound endpoint parameters

The following parameters are common to all inbound endpoints:

Parameter Name



Possible Values

Default Value

sequentialThe behavior when executing the given sequence.
When set as true, mediation will happen within the same thread. When set as false, the mediation engine will use the inbound thread pool. (The default thread pool values can be found in the <EI_HOME>/conf/ file).
Yestrue or falsetrue
suspendWhen set to true, this makes the inbound endpoint inactive.Yestrue or falsefalse

Specifying inbound endpoint parameters as registry values

Other than specifying parameter values inline, you can also specify parameter values as registry entries. The advantage of specifying a parameter value as a registry entry is that the same inbound endpoint configuration can be used in different environments simply by changing the registry entry value.

<inboundEndpoint xmlns="" name="file" sequence="request" onError="fault" protocol="file" suspend="false">
      <parameter name="transport.vfs.FileURI" key="conf:/repository/ei/ei-configurations/test"/>

If you need to provide the registry entry value via the Management Console, specify it as $registry:conf:/repository/ei/ei-configurations/test.

Using secure vault aliases in your inbound endpoint configuration

To use secure vault support in your inbound configuration, you can add {wso2:vault-lookup('xx')} as inbound parameters, where xx is the alias. 

You can encrypt and store the password using the alias my.password, and retrieve this password  by adding the following parameter in your inbound endpoint configuration: 

<parameter name="transport.jms.Password">{wso2:vault-lookup('my.password')}</parameter>

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.