com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Working with the Micro Integrator

The Micro Integrator profile (MI profile) of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) is architectured to be container-friendly so that it allows you to perform advanced scenarios without sacrificing the speed required for a container-based architecture. Because its start-up time is faster than the ESB profile, microservices are designed to start up very quickly, perform a specific task, and then shut down. Also, you can use the Micro Integrator profile to orchestrate atomic microservices into composite microservices that address more complex, real-world scenarios. 

For information on what the Micro Integrator profile brings with this release, see About this Release.

Getting started with the Micro Integrator

To start using the Micro Integrator, you can simply deploy your integration artifacts (as a CAR file) to the <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/repository/deployment/server/carbonapps directory and start the server.

See the tutorial on Sending a Simple Message to a Service Using the Micro Integrator for instructions.

Note that the Micro Integrator profile needs to be restarted after deploying any new artifacts.

Running the Micro Integrator on Docker

The Micro Integrator of WSO2 EI can be deployed in a Docker environment by following the steps given below.

Before you begin:

  • Download and install a WSO2 EI distribution. The installation location will be referred to as <EI_HOME>.
  • Download and install Docker.

Step 1: Extract a Micro Integrator profile distribution

Use the WSO2 EI product (which you already installed) to create a new distribution that only contains the Micro Integrator profile:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <EI_HOME>/bin/ directory. 

  2. Execute the following command to extract the Micro Integrator profile.

  3. The profiles available in the WSO2 EI distribution are listed as shown below.

    WSO2 Enterprise Integrator Supports following profiles.
    	1.Integrator profile
    	2.Analytics Profile
    	3.Business Process profile
    	4.Broker profile
    	5.Msf4j profile
    	6.Micro Integrator profile
    Please enter the desired profile number to create the profile specific distribution.
  4. Insert the value '6' (for the Micro Integrator profile) on the terminal and execute the command. As a result of this command, the original WSO2 EI distribution is modified, and a ZIP file with a new Micro Integrator distribution is generated. Note that the new Micro Integrator ZIP file is stored in the same directory as your original WSO2 EI distribution.


    Note that you now have two product distributions:

    • The new Micro Integrator distribution (ZIP file) that you just generated in step 4.

    • The original WSO2 EI distribution that you downloaded and extracted.

Step 2: Set up the Micro Integrator to run on Docker

The orignial WSO2 EI distribution contains the docker file (required for the Micro Integrator) in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/dockerfiles/ directory. Therefore to be able to run the Micro Integrator on Docker:

  1. Copy the ZIP file of the new Micro Integrator distribution to the <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/dockerfiles/files/ directory.

    Note that <EI_HOME> is the home folder of your original WSO2 EI distribution.

  2. Extract the ZIP file.

Your Micro Integrator is now configured and is ready to be started on Docker.

Step 3: Deploy the integration artifacts for the Micro Integrator

Follow the steps given below to deploy any artifacts.

  1. Use WSO2 EI Tooling to build your integration artifacts and package them into a CAR file.
  2. Copy the CAR file to the <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/dockerfiles/files/carbonapps/ directory.

    Note that <EI_HOME> is the home folder of your original WSO2 EI distribution.

The artifacts are now deployed and ready.

Step 4: Start the Micro Integrator on Docker

You can now build a docker image for the Micro Integrator and start the server:

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/dockerfiles/ directory.

    Note that <EI_HOME> is the home folder of your original WSO2 EI distribution.

  2.  Execute the following command to build the docker image:

    docker build -t wso2ei-micro-integrator:6.4.0 .
  3. Next, execute the following command to start the Micro Integrator on Docker:

    docker run -p 8290:8290 -p 8253:8253 wso2ei-micro-integrator:6.4.0

Get details of REST APIs and proxy services in the Micro Integrator

Once you have started the Micro Integrator profile, you can view details of the REST APIs and proxy services that are deployed in the server by RESTfully invoking the URLs shown below. For example, you can copy the following URLs to your browser to view the details.

Configuring the Micro Integrator

All configuration files related to the Micro Integrator profile are located in the <EI-HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/conf directory. For more information, go to Directory Structure of WSO2 Products in the WSO2 Administration Guide.

Configuring the file-based registry

The H2 database-based registry is not available in the Micro Integrator profile. Instead, it has a file-system-based registry, which provides the same functionality. Thus, by default, the <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/registry directory will act as the registry to store registry artifacts etc. This main registry directory will consist of the following sub registry directories.

  • Local: To store local artifacts of the product server that are not shared with the other products in the deployment.
  • Config: To store all product-specific artifacts that are shared between similar product instances.
  • Governance: To store all artifacts that re relevant to the governance of the product.

If you want to change the default locations of the Registry directories, uncomment and change the following configuration in the <EI_HOME>/wso2/microIntegrator/repository/deployment/server/synapse-config/default/directoryregistry.xml file.

<registry xmlns="" provider="org.wso2.carbon.mediation.registry.MicroIntegratorRegistry">
    <parameter name="cachableDuration">15000</parameter>
        Uncomment below parameters (ConfigRegRoot, GovRegRoot, LocalRegRoot) to configure registry root paths
        Default : <EI_HOME>/wso2/micro-integrator/registry/{governance | config | local}
    <parameter name="ConfigRegRoot">{Root directory path for configuration Registry}</parameter>
    <parameter name="GovRegRoot">{Root directory path for governance Registry}</parameter>
    <parameter name="LocalRegRoot">{Root directory path for local Registry}</parameter>
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.