com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

JAX-RS Basics

This sample demonstrates a basic REST-based Web Services using JAX-RS (JSR-311).

Building the sample 

  1. Open a command line, and navigate to the <EI_HOME>/samples/webapps/jaxrs_basic directory.
  2. Run the relevant command to deploy the web app:
    • Using Maven

      1. Create a WAR file for the sample using the following command:

        mvn clean install
      2. Deploy the generated WAR file on WSO2 EI with the related logs on the console:

        mvn -Pdeploy
    • Using Ant

  3. Start WSO2 EI by executing one of the following commands:

    On Windows
    <EI_HOME>\bin\integrator.bat --run
    On Linux/Solaris
    sh <EI_HOME>/bin/  
  4. Log in to the management console and click List on the Main menu, under Manage/Applications. This opens the Running Applications page. The deployed applications will be listed here.

Running the sample

You can invoke the JAX-RS web application as shown below.

  • Get the customer instance for customer ID 123 by sending an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:8280/jaxrs_basic/services/customers/customerservice/customers/123. The XML document returns the following:

  • Get the product 323 that belongs to order 223 by sending an HTTP GET request to http://localhost:8280/jaxrs_basic/services/customers/customerservice/orders/223/products/323. The XML document returns the following:

       <description>product 323</description>
  • Add the customer named Jack by sending an HTTP POST request to http://localhost:8280/jaxrs_basic/services/customers/customerservice/customers as shown below.

  • Update the customer with ID 123 as shown below by sending an HTTP PUT request to http://localhost:8280/jaxrs_basic/services/customers/customerservice/customers.


The client code demonstrates how to send HTTP GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests; whereas, the server code demonstrates how to build a RESTful endpoint through JAX-RS (JSR-311) APIs.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.