Working with Endpoints
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Working with Endpoints

An endpoint defines an external destination for an outgoing message through WSO2 Enterprise Integrator. Typically, the endpoint is the address of a proxy service, which acts as the front end to the actual service. For example, the endpoint for the simple stock quote sample is http: //localhost :9000 /services/SimpleStockQuoteService.

For detailed information on each available endpoint type, see ESB Endpoints.

Configuring endpoints

In the XML configuration, the <endpoint> element defines an endpoint as follows:

<endpoint [name="string"] [key="string"]>
        address-endpoint | default-endpoint | wsdl-endpoint | load-balanced-endpoint | fail-over-endpoint

Using named endpoints

You can use the name attribute to create a named endpoint. You can reuse a named endpoint by referencing it in another endpoint using the key attribute. For example, if there is an endpoint named foo, you can reference the foo endpoint in any other endpoint where you want to use foo:

<endpoint key="foo"/>

This approach allows you to reuse existing endpoints in multiple places.

Working with endpoints

You can either use the Enterprise Integrator tooling plug-in to create a new endpoint and to import an existing endpoint, or you can manage endpoints via the Enterprise Integrator Management Console. For detailed information on how to work with endpoints, see Working with Endpoints via WSO2 Integration Studio.

Tracing and handling errors

Endpoints have a trace attribute, which turns on detailed trace information for messages being sent to the endpoint. These are available in the trace.log file, which is configured in the <PRODUCT_HOME>/repository/conf/log4j.properties file. Setting the trace log level to TRACE logs detailed trace information including message payloads. For more information on endpoint states and handling errors, see Endpoint Error Handling.

Changing an endpoint reference 

Once the endpoint has been created, you can update it using any one of the options listed below. The options below describe how you can update the endpoint value for QA environment. 

Option 1: Using WSO2 Integration Studio

  1. Open the HelloWorldEP.xml file under HelloWorldQAResources project and replace the URL with the QA URL. 
  2. Save all changes.

Your CApp can be deployed to your QA EI server. For details on how to deploy the CApp project, see Running the ESB profile via WSO2 Integration Studio.

Option 2: From Command Line

  1. Open a Terminal window and navigate to <ESB_TOOLING_WORKSPACE>/HelloWorldQAResources/src/main/synapse_configendpoints/HelloWorldEP.xml file.
  2. Edit the HelloWorldEP.xml (e.g. using gedit or vi) under HelloWorldResources/QA and replace the URL with the QA one.

    <address uri=""/>
  3. Navigate to <ESB_TOOLING_WORKSPACE>/HelloWorldQAResources and build the ESB Config project using the following command:

    mvn clean install
  4. Navigate to <ESB_TOOLING_WORKSPACE>/HelloWorldQACApp and build the CApp project using the following command:

    mvn clean install
  5. The resulting CAR file can be deployed directly to the QA ESB server. For details, see Running the ESB profile via WSO2 Integration Studio.
  • To build the projects using the above commands, you need an active network connection.
  • Creating a Maven Multi Module project that contains the above projects, allows you to projects in one go by simply building the parent Maven Multi Module project.

Option 3: Using a Script

Alternatively you can have a CAR file with dummy values for the endpoint URLs and use a customized shell script or batch script. The script created would need to do the following:

  1. Extract the CAR file.
  2. Edit the URL values.
  3. Re-create the CAR file with new values.

The resulting CAR file can be deployed directly to the QA ESB server. For details, see Running the ESB profile via WSO2 Integration Studio.

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