com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links' is unknown.

Step 2 - Creating the Asynchronous Process

If the loan approval process involves another process, in which the response takes too long to respond, you can use an Asynchronous Process to implement it. This allows you to continue the rest of the process flow without waiting for the response.

Let's get started! Follow the instructions in the below sections to complete the BPEL Workflow you created in Step1 with the Asynchronous Process as shown below.

If you did not follow Step 1 - Creating the Synchronous Processes yet, you can import the pre-packaged project of it and continue by following the steps in this Tutorial. Follow the steps below to import it to WSO2 Integration Studio.

  1. Open the WSO2 Integration Studio, click File, and click Import
  2. Expand the WSO2 category and select Existing WSO2 Projects into workspace, click Next and upload the pre-packaged project

Adding the Sequence element

  1. Open the WSO2 EI Integration Studio.
  2. Right click on the replyOutput element, click Insert Before and click Sequence.

Configuring the InvokeLoanService element

  1. Right click on the Sequence element, click Add and click Invoke.

  2. Click on the Invoke element you added inside the Sequence element, and enter  InvokeLoanService as the Name in the Description section of the Properties tab.

  1. Click on the InvokeLoanService element, click the drop-down arrow of Partner Link and select Create Global Partner Link. in the Details section of the Properties tab.

  2. Enter LoanPL as the  Partner Link Name and click OK.

  3. Select From Project as the type of the Partner Link, select LoanServicePT in the Matches field and click OK.

  4. Click OK in the message, which pops up next to set the prefix of the namespace.

Adding the Partner Role

  1. Select the LoanServiceRole partner role and click OK.

    You need to invoke the getLoanOfferprocess. Therefore, this selects the LoanServiceRole, which includes the getLoanOffer operation.

Adding the Operation

  1. Once the partner link is created, double click on the getLoanOffer operation from the Quick Pick view. This automatically updates the input request.

    This will auto update the input/output of the Invoke step and creates the following variable.

Configuring the ReceiveLoanOffer element

  1. Right click on the Sequence element, click Add and click Receive.

    This creates a new Receive element to capture the result of the LoanService whenever it is sent back to the BPEL process.

  2. Click on the Receive element you added inside the Sequence element, and enter ReceiveLoanOffer as the Name in the Description section of the Properties tab.

Adding the Partner Role

You need to use the OnLoanOffer operation of the LoanServiceCallBackPortType partner role for the ReceiveLoanOffer element. Therefore, follow the steps below to use the LoanPL partner link you created before for this ReceiveLoanOffer element as well.

  1. In the Outline tab of WSO2 Integration Studio, click LoanPL under Partner Links.

  2. Select the following values in the Details section of the Properties tab.
    • My Role: LoanServiceClientRole
    • Partner Role:  LoanServiceRole
    • My Operations: onLoanOffer
    • Partner Operations: getLoanOffer

Adding the Partner Link

  1. Click on the ReceiveLoanOffer element, click the drop-down arrow of  Partner Link and select LoanPL in the Details section of the Properties tab.

Adding the Operation

  1. Keep your cursor on the Operation field and double-click on onLoanOffer.

    This creates an input of the getLoanOfferResponse message type. You can find it in the Variables panel.

    This creates the LoanPLRequest1 variable.

  2. Double click on the LoanPLRequest1 variable and rename it to LoanPLResponse.

    This LoanPLResponse variable is the response from the LoanService to the BPEL process.

Configuring the Assign2 element

Right click on the Sequence element, click Insert Before and click Assign, to add the Assign2 element.

Mapping the variables

You need to map the required data received from the BankLoanProcessRequest message to the LoanPLRequest similar to the mapping you did before. Follow the steps below to do this.

  1. Click on the Assign2 element and click New in the Details section of the Properties tab.

  2. In the From box, expand the input :  BankLoanProcessRequestMessage and select payload : LoanRequest
  3. In the  To  box, expand the LoanPLRequest :   getLoanOfferRequest and select part : LoanRequest.  

  4. Press Ctrl+S to save your artifacts.
  5. Click Yes in the message, which pops up to initialize the variables.   
  6. Follow the steps below to match the other variables.

    This creates variable to variable options to map each part of the CustomerInfo input (CustomerInfo:CustomerInfoType) to the corresponding part of CustomerPLRequest (part:CustomerInfo).

    1. Click New and select input: BankLoanProcessRequestMessage → payload : LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type in the From  box and select LoanPLRequest :   getLoanOfferRequest → part :   LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type  in the To  box.
    2. Press Ctrl+S to save the artifacts.
    3. Click New and select input: BankLoanProcessRequestMessage → payload : LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → Name : string in the From  box and select LoanPLRequest :   getLoanOfferRequest → part :   LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → Name : string  in the To  box.

    4. Press Ctrl+S to save the artifacts.
    5. Click New and select input: BankLoanProcessRequestMessage → payload : LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → Email : string in the From  box and select LoanPLRequest :   getLoanOfferRequest → part :   LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → Email : string  in the To  box.
    6. Press Ctrl+S to save the artifacts.
    7. Click New and select input: BankLoanProcessRequestMessage → payload : LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → CustomerID : CustomerIDType in the From  box and select LoanPLRequest :   getLoanOfferRequest → part :   LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → CustomerID : CustomerIDType  in the To  box.
    8. Press Ctrl+S to save the artifacts.
    9. Click New and select input: BankLoanProcessRequestMessage → payload : LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → CreditRating : int in the From  box and select LoanPLRequest :   getLoanOfferRequest → part :   LoanRequest → CustomerInfo : CustomerInfo Type → CreditRating : int  in the To  box.

    10. Press Ctrl+S to save the artifacts.

Configuring the Assign3 element

Follow the steps below to assign the values of the LoanPLResponse to the final output variable of the BPEL process.

  1. Right click on the Sequence element, click Add and click Assign.

Mapping the variables

  1. Click on the Assign3 element and click New in the  Details section of the Properties tab.
  2. In the From box, expand the LoanPLResponse : getLoanOfferResponse and select part : LoanOffer

  3. In the To box, expand the output : BankLoanProcessResponseMessage and select payload : LoanOffer

  4. Press Ctrl+S to save your artifacts.
  5. Click Yes in the message, which pops up to initialize the variables.  

  6. Follow the steps below to map the other variables.

    This creates variable to variable options to map each part of the LoanPLResponse input (i.e., LoanPLResponse : getLoanOfferResponse ) to the corresponding part of LoanOffer (i.e., payload : LoanOffer ).

    1. Click New and select LoanPLResponse : getLoanOfferResponse → part : LoanOffer →  ProviderName : string  in the From  box and select output : BankLoanProcessResponseMessage  → payload :   LoanOffer →  ProviderName : string   in the To  box.

    2. Press Ctrl+S to save your artifacts.
    3. Click New and select  LoanPLResponse : getLoanOfferResponse  → part : LoanOffer →  approved : boolean in the From box and select output : BankLoanProcessResponseMessage  → payload :   LoanOffer →  approved : boolean   in the To  box.

    4. Press Ctrl+S to save your artifacts.
    5. Click New and select  LoanPLResponse : getLoanOfferResponse  → part : LoanOffer →  AnualInterestRate : decimal  in the  From  box and select  output :        BankLoanProcessResponseMessage  → payload :   LoanOffer →  AnualInterestRate : decimal   in the To  box.

    6. Press Ctrl+S to save your artifacts.
    7. Click New and select Expression from the drop down in the From box, and type true().

    8. Press Ctrl+S to save your artifacts.
    9. Click New and select output : BankLoanProcessResponseMessage  → payload : LoanOffer →  selected : boolean  in the  To  box.

Configuring the replyOutput element

  1. Click on the replyOutput element and select client as the Partner Link in the Details section of the Properties tab.

  2. Select process as the Operation in the Details section of the Properties tab.
  3. Double click process in the Quick Pick section to generate the input and output variables for this element.

  4. Press Ctrl+S to save the artifacts and their configurations.

After creating all the artifacts, you view the Design View of the BPEL Workflow as shown below.

Every Asynchronous Process requires a Correlation Set. Therefore, next, let's create a Correlation Set for the Asynchronous Processes you created above. For instructions, see Step 3 - Creating the Correlation Set.

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.