com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Configuring WSO2 EMM with Port Offset

There are situations when the default port needs to be changed in WSO2 EMM by using a port offset (e.g., when configuring WSO2 EMM with WSO2 App Manager). When the port offset is set WSO2 EMM will start on a different port, and it will change the default TCP port by increasing the value of the set port by the port offset value. Therefore, the port in the TCP connection URL that corresponds to the various the EMM related configuration files should be changed to enable WOS2 EMM to function properly. 

More on port offset

The port offset feature allows you to run multiple WSO2 products, multiple instances of a WSO2 product, or multiple WSO2 product clusters on the same server or virtual machine (VM). The port offset defines the number by which all ports defined in the runtime such as the HTTP/S ports will be offset. For example, if the HTTP port is defined as 9763 and the portOffset is 1, the effective HTTP port will be 9764. Therefore, for each additional WSO2 product, instance, or cluster you add to a server, set the port offset to a unique value (the default is 0). 

Follow the instructions below to enable port offset in EMM:

  1. Change the default port that WSO2 EMM uses.
    Define the port offset in the ports section of the carbon.xml file, which is in the <EMM_HOME>/repository/conf directory as follows: 


    For example, if the port offset is 3, it can be defined as follows:

  2. Define the updated port in the EMM configuration files.
    Update the following configuration files with the relevant port details to reflect the port offset.

    • Update the port in the following section that is within the cdm-config.xml file, which is in the <EMM_HOME>/repository/conf directory and used when sending the enrollment email.

    • Update the port in the following section that is within the config.json file, which is in the <EMM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/emm/config directory and used by the device enrollment related processes.

      Make sure that the URL mentioned under the host property is an HTTPS URL.

      "generalConfig" : {
              "host" : "",
              "companyName" : "WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Manager",
              "browserTitle" : "WSO2 EMM",
              "copyrightText" : "\u00A9 %date-year%, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved."
    • Update the port in the following section that is within the config.json file, which is in the <EMM_HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/emm-web-agent/config directory and used by the Android agent application download process.

      Make sure that the following URL is HTTP, because the Android browser does not trust hosts with self-signed certificates. However, if your server has a valid SSL certificate installed, make the following URL HTTPS.

      "generalConfig" : {
              "host" : "",
              "companyName" : "WSO2 Enterprise Mobility Manager",
              "browserTitle" : "WSO2 EMM",
              "copyrightText" : "\u00A9 %date-year%, WSO2 Inc. ( All Rights Reserved."
com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.