com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_link3' is unknown.

Dashboard Monitoring via the Console

The WSO2 EMM dashboard provides an overview of the devices for administrators to manage the registered devices efficiently and effectively. This section provides the details of the REST APIs used to get the summarized details.

Getting device connectivity status overview


Get the details of active, inactive, removed and total number of registered devices in WSO2 EMM.

Resource Path/device-count-overview


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-count-overview
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 0ff0f5c5ef202f5abd933efef370a28c" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-count-overview
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/devices-count-overview HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 0ff0f5c5ef202f5abd933efef370a28c
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2016 11:32:49 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 232
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
Sample JSON

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. In this use case the attribute is connectivity-status.

dataDefines the data received.

The devices are grouped as follows:

  • Total: All the devices that have registered with WSO2 EMM.
  • active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM and are actively communicating with the server.
  • inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM but unable to actively communicate with the server.
  • removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 EMM.
labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countThe number of devices in each category.

Getting policy non-compliant overview


Get the number of devices that have not complied to a policy that was enforced on a device.

Resource Pathnon-compliant-device-counts-by-features


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/non-compliant-device-counts-by-features -d "start=<START>&length=<LENGTH>"
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.
  • start - Provide the starting pagination index. Example 10
  • length- Provide how many policy details you require from the starting pagination index. For example if you require the non-compliant policy details from the 10th pagination index to the 15th, you must define 10 as the value for start and 5 as the value for length.

If you wish to get the device details within a predefined index range, you need to define both the start and length fields.
Example: https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/non-compliant-device-counts-by-features -d "start=10&length=5"

There will be situations were you will not have any details in the specified index range. In such situation all the details of the devices that have not complied to a given policy is given.


curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 0ff0f5c5ef202f5abd933efef370a28c" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/non-compliant-device-counts-by-features -d "start=10&length=5"
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/non-compliant-device-counts-by-features?start=0&length=5 HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 06:55:54 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 184
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
[{"context":"non-compliant-feature","data":[{"group":"PASSCODE_POLICY","label":"PASSCODE_POLICY","count":4},{"group":"WIFI","label":"WIFI","count":2}], "totalRecordCount":2}]
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. In this use case the attribute is non-compliant-feature.

dataDefines the data received.

The devices are grouped according to the policy profile names.

labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countThe number of devices in each category.

Getting potential device vulnerability overview


Get the number of unmonitored and non-compliant devices in WSO2 EMM.

Resource Path/device-counts-by-potential-vulnerabilities


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-potential-vulnerabilities
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer 0ff0f5c5ef202f5abd933efef370a28c" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-potential-vulnerabilities
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-potential-vulnerabilities HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 0ff0f5c5ef202f5abd933efef370a28c
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 01:55:36 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 164
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. In this use case the attribute is potential-vulnerability.

dataDefines the data received.

The devices are grouped as follows:

  • non-compliant: The number of devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on the device by WSO2 EMM.
  • unmonitored: The number of devices that have no policy assigned on them.
labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countThe number of devices in each category.

Getting a device count based on device type


Get the number of devices for a given device type, such as connectivity status, potential vulnerability, platform, and ownership.

Resource Path/device-counts-by-groups


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-groups
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.


curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-groups

Filter the device details using the query parameters given below:

  • connectivity-status - Provide the connectivity status of the device. The following values can be assigned:
    • active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM and are actively communicating with the server.
    • inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM but unable to actively communicate with the server.
    • removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 EMM. 
  • potential-vulnerability - Provide details of the potential vulnerabilities of the device. The following values can be assigned:
    • non-compliant: Devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on the device by WSO2 EMM.
    • unmonitored: Devices that have no policy assigned to them.
  • platform  - Provide the platform that the device is running on. The following values can be assigned: HERE
    • iOS
    • Android
    • Windows
  • ownership -  Provide the ownership status of the device. The following values can be assigned:
    • BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
    • COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled

Example: Get the number of devices that belong to the active start and are iOS devices.

curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-groups -d "connectivity-status=ACTIVE&platform=ios"
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/device-counts-by-groups?connectivity-status=ACTIVE&platform=ios HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 2b64562ce59916457c2b9f9dcd72ae05
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 11:28:00 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 293
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. The context varies based on the query parameters used in the REST API. In the above sample the values for context are as follows:

  • Device-counts-by-platforms
  • Device-counts-by-ownership-type

Defines the data received.


The devices groups vary based on the query parameters used. In the the above sample output the groups are as follows:

  • platform: The devices that match the specified mobile platform, such as iOS, Android and Windows.
  • ownership: The devices that match the specified device ownership type, such as BYOD and COPE.
labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countDefines the number of devices under each category.

Getting the non-compliant device count based on device types


Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy based on a particular device type.

Resource Path/feature-non-compliant-device-counts-by-groups


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-counts-by-groups -d "non-compliant-feature-code=<FEATURE_CODE>"
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.
  • Define the policy feature code or ID as the value for <FEATURE_CODE>. Some examples for feature codes are:  PASSCODE_POLICY,CAMERA and WIFI.

    This query parameter is mandatory.

  • Optionally, you can further filter the device details using the query parameters given below:
    • platform  - Provide the platform that the device is running on. The following values can be assigned:
      • iOS
      • Android
      • Windows
    • ownership - Provide the device ownership type. Assign any of the values given below:
      • BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
      • COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled

Example: Get the number of iOS devices that have not complied to the WIFI policy and belong to the BYOD device type.

curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-counts-by-groups -d "non-compliant-feature-code=WIFI&platform=ios&ownership=BYOD"
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-counts-by-groups?non-compliant-feature-code=WIFI_TEST&platform=ios&ownership=BYOD HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 2b64562ce59916457c2b9f9dcd72ae05
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 12:03:14 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 338
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. The context will vary based on the query parameters used and in this use case the values given are:

    • Feature-non-compliant-device-counts-by-platforms
    • Feature-non-compliant-device-counts-by-ownerships

Defines the data received.


The devices are grouped as follows:

    • platform: The devices that match the specified platform which can be iOS, Android or Windows.
    • ownership: The devices that match the specified ownership type which can be BYOD or COPE.
labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countThe number of devices in each category.

Getting a filtered device count 


Get the number of devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM filtered by one of the following attributes:

  • Connectivity status of the device, such as active, inactive or removed.

  • The device ownership type, such as BYOD or COPE.
  • The device platform.

  • The potential vulnerabilities faced by the devices.

Resource Path/dashboard/filtered-device-count-over-total


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/filtered-device-count-over-total?<QUERY_PARAMETER>=<PARAMETER_VALUE>
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.
  • Filter the device details using the query parameters given below:
    • connectivity-status - Provide the connectivity status of the device. You can assign any of the values given below:
      • Total: All the devices that have registered with WSO2 EMM.
      • active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM and are actively communicating with the server.
      • inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM but unable to actively communicate with the server.
      • removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 EMM.
    • potential-vulnerability - Provide details of the potential vulnerabilities of the device. You can assign any of the values given below:
      • non-compliant: Devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on the device by WSO2 EMM.
      • unmonitored: Devices that have no policy assigned to them.
    • platform - Provide the platform that the device is running on. You can assign any of the values given below:
      • iOS
      • Android
      • Windows
    • ownership - Provide the ownership status of the device. You can assign any of the values given below:
      • BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
      • COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled

Example: Get the number of Windows devices registered with WSO2 EMM.

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/filtered-device-count-over-total?platform=windows
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/filtered-device-count-over-total?platform=windows HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer d9808217e974096233cb59eb931daa91
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 12:21:04 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 199
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. In this use case, the context is Filtered-device-count-over-total.


Defines the data received.


The devices are grouped as follows:

      • Filtered: The filtered devices based on the specified query parameter.
      • Total: The total device count all devices registered with WSO2 EMM.
labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countThe number of devices in each category.

Getting a non-compliant device count


Get the number of devices that have not complied to a given policy over the total number of devices registered with WSO2 EMM.

Resource Path/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-count-over-total


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-count-over-total -d "non-compliant-feature-code=<FEATURE_CODE>"
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.
  • Filter the device based on the following required parameter:
    • non-compliant-feature-code - Provide the feature code or ID of the policy. Some examples for feature codes are: WIFI, PASSCODE_POLICY, CAMERA and ENCRYPT_STORAGE.
  • Optionally, filter the device details using the query parameters given below:
    • platform - Provide the platform that the device is running on. You can assign the values given below:
      • iOS
      • Android
      • Windows
  • ownership - Provide the ownership status of the device. You can assign the values given below:
    • BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
    • COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-count-over-total?non-compliant-feature-code=WIFI"
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-device-count-over-total?non-compliant-feature-code=WIFI_TEST HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer d9808217e974096233cb59eb931daa91
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 12:51:25 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 230
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. In this use case the context is Feature-non-compliant-device-count-over-total.


Defines the data received.


The devices are grouped as follows:

  • Feature-non-compliant-and-filtered: Non-compliant devices that are filtered based on the specified query parameter.
  • Total: The total device count of all devices registered with WSO2 EMM.
labelDefines the name of the grouped devices.
countThe number of devices in each category.

Getting device details


Get device details of devices based on a particular device type.

Resource Path/dashboard/devices-with-details


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command

Filter the device details using the query parameters given below:

curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/devices-with-details -d "pagination-enabled=<TRUE/FALSE>"
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.
  • Filter the device based on the following required parameter:
    • Pagination-enabled  - To enable/disable pagination set the value as true or false.

      If pagination is enabled, you need to set both of the following query parameters:

      • start - Provide the starting pagination index. Example 10.
      • length - Provide how many device details you require from the starting pagination index. For example, if you require the device details from the 10th pagination index to the 15th, you must define 10 as the value for start and 5 as the value for length.

      Example: https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/devices-with-details -d "pagination-enabled=true&start=10&length=5"

      There will be situations were you will not have any details in the specified index range. In such situation all the device details will be given.

  • Filter the device details using the query parameters given below:

    • connectivity-status - Provide the connectivity status of the device. This can be one of the following:
      • Total: All the devices that have registered with WSO2 EMM.
      • active: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM and are actively communicating with the server.
      • inactive: The devices that are registered with WSO2 EMM but unable to actively communicate with the server.
      • removed: The devices that have unregistered from WSO2 EMM.
    • potential-vulnerability -Provide details of the potential vulnerabilities of the device. This can be:
      • non-compliant: Devices that have not complied to the policies enforced on the device by WSO2 EMM.
      • unmonitored: Devices that have no policy assigned to them. 
    • platform -Provide the platform that the device is running on. This can be one of the following:
      • iOS
      • Android
      • Windows
    • ownership - Provide the ownership status of the device. This can be one of the following:
      • BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
      • COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled


curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/devices-with-details -d "pagination-enabled=false"
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/devices-with-details?pagination-enabled=false HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer 9a5212a2c170f71990e5be8f8a1a4430
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 13:26:53 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 496
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute to which the data is being populated. In this use case the context is Filtered-devices-with-details.


Defines the data received. In this use case, the data will be filtered and paginated (if pagination is enabled).

deviceIdThe system defined ID for the device.
deviceIdentifierThe unique device identifier defined on the device.
platformDefines the device platform of each device, such as iOS, Android or Windows.
ownershipTypeDefines the the device ownership type, such as BYOD or COPE.
connectivityStatusDefines the status of the device, such as if the device is active, inactive or disenrolled from WSO2 EMM.

Getting a non-compliant device details


Get device details of non-compliant devices which do not comply to a given policy.

Resource Path/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-devices-with-details


Request/Response Formatapplication/json
cURL command
curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <EMM_API_TOKEN>" -k -v https://<EMM_HOST>:<EMM_HTTPS_PORT>/mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-devices-with-details -d “non-compliant-feature-code=<FEATURE_CODE>&pagination-enabled=<TRUE/FALSE>”
  • For more information on how to generate the <EMM_API_TOKEN>, see Generating the EMM API Token.
  • By default, <EMM_HOST> is localhost. However, if you are using a public IP, the respective IP address or domain needs to be specified.
  • By default, <EMM_HTTPS_PORT> has been set to 9443. However, if the port offset has been incremented by n, the default port value needs to be incremented by n.
  1. Filter the device based on the following required parameter:
    • non-compliant-feature-code - Provide the code specific to the feature (examples for feature codes are: WIFI,PASSCODE_POLICY, CAMERA and ENCRYPT_STORAGE.)

    • Pagination-enabled - To enable/disable pagination set the value as true or false.

      If pagination is enabled you have to also set the following query parameters:

      • start- Provide the starting pagination index. Example 10.
      • length - Provide how many policy details you require from the starting pagination index. For example if you require the non-compliant policy details from the 10th pagination index to the 15th, you must define 10 as the value for start and 5 as the value for length.

      If you wish to get the device details within a predefined index range, you need to define both the start and length fields.
      Example: https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/non-compliant-devices-with-details -d "start=10&length=5"

      There will be situations were you will not have any details in the specified index range. In such situation all the details of the devices that have not complied to a given policy is given.

  2. Filter the device details using the query parameters given below:
    • platform -Provide the platform that the device is running on. This can be one of the following:
        • iOS
        • Android
        • Windows
    • ownership - Provide the ownership status of the device. This can be one of the following:
        • BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
        • COPE: Corporate-Owned, Personally-Enabled


curl -v -L -G -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer c148a833a9c3d30bb5197788eaad5541" -k -v https://localhost:9443/mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-devices-with-details -d “non-compliant-feature-code=WIFI&pagination-enabled=false”
 Sample output
> GET /mdm-admin/dashboard/feature-non-compliant-devices-with-details?non-compliant-feature-code=WIFI&pagination-enabled=false HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.38.0
> Host: localhost:9443
> Accept: */*
> Content-Type: application/json
> Authorization: Bearer edd064382fdc1086cdbd1ce2a780b9c6
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Cache-Control: private
< Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 05:30:00 IST
< Date: Mon, 09 May 2016 16:30:26 GMT
< Content-Type: application/json
< Content-Length: 241
* Server WSO2 Carbon Server is not blacklisted
< Server: WSO2 Carbon Server
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
Sample JSON Output Definition 

Defines the attribute, to which the data is being populated. In this use case the context is Feature-non-compliant-devices-with-details.


Defines the data received. In this use case, the data will be filtered by a non-compliant feature and paginated (if pagination is enabled).

com.atlassian.confluence.content.render.xhtml.migration.exceptions.UnknownMacroMigrationException: The macro 'next_previous_links2' is unknown.