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Enterprise Service Bus Documentation

WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus

Welcome to the Enterprise Service Bus Documentation

This page is the home for the WSO2 ESB documentation.

The purpose of this documentation is to provide you with complete installation procedures for installing, configuring and implementing WSO2 ESB.

The documentation topics are provided on separate pages. All pages are organized into a hierarchy of parent and child pages.

To find a specific topic in a particular section, click on the topic name in the Table of Contents which is located on the left of every page. This TOC reflects a physical (tree) structure of pages in the "Enterprise Service Bus" space. Note that a plus sign next to the topic name means that the topic contains subpages. To access the subpages, click on the plus sign thereby expanding the topic structure.

A list of the child pages, if any exist, is displayed at the bottom of the page. Clicking on a link will take you to the corresponding child page. To hide the list of children, click on the "Hide Children" link. The defaults to the "Show" or "Hide" children view based on your preference from your last visit to the site.

You can do a site search to quickly find what you are looking for. The system will search all spaces, including attachments. To do a quick search, type your keyword into the search box, located in the top bar of every screen and then press <Enter>.

Getting Started for First-Time Users

The following topics introduce the WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) to first-time users and explain its contents and features: