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WSO2 ESB supports:

A mediation configuration can refer to an external Registry for resources used such as

  • WSDL's,
  • Schemas,
  • Scripts,
  • XSLT or
  • XQuery transformations,
  • etc.

One or more remote registries may be hidden or merged behind a local Registry interface defined to a Synapse configuration. Resources from an external registry are looked up using "keys" which are known to the external registry. WSO2 ESB ships with a simple URL-based registry implementation that uses the file system for storage of resources, and URL's or fragments as "keys".

A Registry may define a duration for which a resource served may be cached by the ESB runtime. If such a duration is specified, WSO2 ESB is capable of refreshing the resource after cache expiry to support dynamic reloading of resource at runtime. Optionally, a configuration could define certain "keys" to map to locally defined entities. These entities may refer to a source URL or file, or defined as in-line XML or text within the configuration itself. If a Registry contains a resource whose "key" matches the key of a locally defined entry, the local entry shadows the resource available in the Registry. Thus, it is possible to override Registry resources locally from within a configuration.


To integrate WSO2 ESB with a custom / new Registry or repository, one needs to implement the org.apache.synapse.registry.Registry interface to suit the actual Registry being used.

See also Storing Various WSO2 Enterprise Service Bus Configurations.