Managing Sequence Templates

This documentation is for WSO2 ESB version 4.0.2. View documentation for the latest release.

Managing Sequence Templates

WSO2 ESB allows to manage sequence templates.

1. Sign In. Enter your user name and password to log on to the ESB Management Console.

2. Select the "Main" tab to access the "Manage" menu.

3. Click the "Templates" link to access the "Templates" page.

4. On the "Templates" page, choose the "Sequence Templates" tab.


Defined templates tab shows templates saved in synapse configuration. Registry templates tab shows templates saved in registry.

The appeared page allows to enable statistics and enable tracing for a chosen template.

Enabling/Disabling Statistics

  • To enable statistics for a particular sequence template, click the "Enable Statistics" link.

The Enable Statistics option allows to gather information relating to a particular sequence template.

  • To disable statistics for a particular sequence template, click the "Disable Statistics" link.

Enabling/Disabling Tracing

  • To enable tracing for a particular sequence template, click the "Enable Tracing" link.

The Enable Tracing option allows to turn on all trace messages for the corresponding sequence template.

  • To disable tracing for a particular sequence template, click the "Disable Tracing" link.


The Enable Statistics and Enable Tracing options are turned off by default because they cause a severe performance degradation. Use these options only in a situation where you have to debug a particular problem. Dynamic sequences does not support Enable Statistics and Enable Tracing.